Thursday, September 19, 2024

Tiger Talk: Views On Mac OS X

Apple continues to get great press … this time regarding the newly updated Mac operating system nicknamed “Tiger”.

I wonder if it has crossed Steve Jobs mind that Tiger Woods would make a great spokesperson for the Mac OS X. Well back to the great press… Here are some excerpts of the great writeups that Tiger is receiving …
An hour before the scheduled release, more than 400 people had lined up outside the store. Most of those waiting said they were looking forward to features such as Spotlight and Dashboard. Some of the laptops in the line, in fact, were already running development versions of Tiger. Promising more than 200 new features, Tiger has been one of the most anticipated software events of the year.

Wired News
Tiger is drawing rave reviews for an innovative set of more than 200 new features, including Spotlight, a desktop search application; Dashboard, a set of pop-up reference tools; and new RSS support in the OS X browser, Safari. “Usually, as soon as something comes out, I want to get it, to try it out and to talk about it at work with my friends,” said Mario Ortiz, a San Francisco graphic designer who was first in line for the San Francisco Tiger launch. “(My co-workers will) know what kind of Mac dork I am, but it’s worth it.”

Apple co-founder and Chief Executive Steve Jobs has long said that Windows, which runs on more than 9 out of 10 PCs worldwide, has copied Apple’s own. “They’re shamelessly trying to follow us,” Jobs said last week at the Cupertino, California-based company’s annual stockholder meeting, noting that Longhorn has yet to appear. “They can’t even copy fast.”

Washington Post
With its new operating system ready to ship, Apple felt justified in kicking some sand in Microsoft’s face. Its marketers crowed about how its new Mac OS X release included features that Microsoft could only talk about while it continued to work on its own long-delayed successor to Windows XP. That was a problem for Microsoft — in 2003, when Apple was talking up Mac OS X 10.3, a k a Panther. Now, two years later, things haven’t changed much.
Flush with the success of its iPod music players and iTunes music store, Apple Computer today will roll out an operating system upgrade for its Macintosh personal computers. Industry experts say the new software, nicknamed Tiger, offers Apple its best opportunity in years to become a major force in desktop computing and win over people who now use computers powered by Windows software from archrival Microsoft Corp. ”Apple clearly has the type of buzz that can get the attention of PC users, and more importantly, at least get them to think about a switch,” said Tim Bajarin, principal analyst at Creative Strategies Inc. in Campbell, Calif.

CBS News
The most interesting new feature is defiantly Spotlight – the new desktop search function that instantly locates any file, email message, contact, image or application based on any word or phrase contained in the document. Spotlight is not the only product to do this. There are a number of PC applications, including free products from Google and Yahoo that perform similar functions. But because Spotlight is integral to the Mac operating system, it is not only faster than those Windows add-on products; it’s also more elegant and easier to use.

Apple Computer CEO Steven P. Jobs is not known for modesty, so few people will be surprised to hear him calling the latest version of the Mac OS X operating system the “biggest leap forward” since the Mac arrived two decades ago. Actually, the new version, called Tiger, is an incremental improvement, but it does make a very good piece of software even better.

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