Friday, October 18, 2024

Three Simple Networking Principles

In order to break through the glass ceiling and reach gender equity, there are several key strategies that women professionals must adopt. One such strategy is networking.

There is no doubt that women, like men, need others’ help to achieve our goals. Very few of us have gotten where we are in our careers without someone’s assistance. Honestly, we must admit that knowing the right person may help us get of the job or client we need to succeed. And for us women professionals, our career advancement is based not only on our credentials and hard work, but also on our personal contacts.


So what is networking? According to “The Networking Book” by Jessica Lipnack and Jeffrey Stamps, “Networking is people connecting with people, linking ideas and resources.” In other words, networking is about utilizing your personal and professional contacts to help achieve your goals.


Based on these definitions, what should women professionals keep in mind when networking? The following three principles should guide every woman’s networking approach:

1. Establish Relationships with Network

When trying to “connect” with people, try to find areas of common interest -issues, ideas or activities that you share in common with the other person. Effective networking is not a “one-shot” deal. True networking requires establishing a long-term relationship with someone. And the best way to do that is to find out about that individual on a personal and business level.

2. Be Honest about Your Intentions

State why you are contacting an individual for help. Do not say you would like to conduct an informal interview if you are actually trying to get a job offer from the meeting rather than information. Your honesty will result in people being more willing to assist you.

3. Reciprocate

Networking is a two way street. So if someone has assisted you, make it a priority to help that individual down the road. However, do not expect something from someone just because you helped her in the past. Sometimes that person may not be in the position to help you. However, personally I believe that if you help someone out of the goodness of your heart, it is the “order of the universe” that someone will help you one day. And remember, it has been said, that it is better to give than to receive.

These three key principles have one common element – treating people with respect. By applying these principles, we can enrich our lives professionally and personally.

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Michelle Goodwine is President and Founder of Integrated HR Strategies, Inc., Integrated HR Strategies provides comprehensive human resource solutions to companies of all sizes. Michelle, author of the forthcoming book, Cultivating Your Connections: Networking Your Way to Success, is a popular trainer and public speaker. She can be reached at (866) 476-5277 or at

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