Saturday, October 5, 2024

Three Powerful Ways to Create a Must-Read Ezine

Publishing an ezine is the ideal way to reach your target market. How far your reach extends depends on the type of experience you create for your readers.

By giving your subscribers a value-laden, benefit-rich experience you can create an ezine with a loyal and eager following of dedicated readers.

Here are three powerful things you can do to create the type of experience your readers demand:

1. Let Your Readers Get To Know The Real You

My favorite ezines have a personality. The personality of the writer behind the words is what captivates my attention.

Every writer has a unique style, and when it is allowed to flow freely it can be quite contagious. Let the real you come through in your words. Let your style flow from your heart. Just be yourself and talk directly to your subscriber.

An effective technique is to visualize yourself writing to just one person. This person should fit the profile of your target group. If you’ve properly identified the wants and desires of your audience, you’ll find your writing style becomes more natural and flowing.

By using this model you discover the power behind the word “you”. You can never use the word “you” too much. You know what I mean?

This approach works even if you are the editor of a corporate or institutional publication. Your own voice is more effective, and affective, than an anonymous, ghost-like corporate voice. You’ll discover that the personal approach helps to bridge the gap between a reader and an otherwise impersonal entity.

2. Provide Solutions That Help People Reach Their Goals

Your readers subscribed to your ezine because you made a promise to deliver something of value. You must consistently deliver goal-oriented value to keep loyal readers.

You do this by giving people the tools and information they can use to make their own informed decisions. By creating an environment which seeks to inform, rather than sell, you establish a lasting rapport and an atmosphere of trust.

To put this into practice, deliver the value aspect of your ezine in the form of word pictures. Tell a story drawing on your personal experience and show how you were awakened to a solution. Paint a picture with words to describe the benefits or pitfalls you found by following a particular path.

Publishers who do this are regarded as trustworthy experts. Consequently, they create a following of subscribers who buy products and services based solely on a recommendation.

It is noteworthy, and should come as no surprise, that affiliate commissions are highest among those who use the products they recommend. They are in a position to comment first-hand on the benefits and solutions available in owning the product.

3. Let Your Readers Interact With Your Ezine

You engage people more fully by allowing them to participate and interact with your ezine. Plus, this interaction lets you take the pulse of readers and find out what’s important to them. You can then tailor your content and marketing efforts accordingly.

Here are some ideas to get your readers involved:

Take a poll. Invite your readers to respond to a short survey question. Provide a set of two or three responses from which they can choose by clicking on the appropriate link.

Reserve a section of your ezine for reader feedback and invite people to email you with their comments. Personally respond to all email and reprint those which you feel are most beneficial for your readers.

Have a section of your ezine devoted to reader’s questions. Respond in your ezine with thoughtful and insightful answers. This establishes you as an expert in your field, thereby enhancing the worth of your ezine as a source of credible information.

Put the above three principles to work for you and see if you notice a difference. Just keep in mind your reader’s desire for goal-based solutions, and let your must-read ezine be a source of must-have value and must-get benefits. You can’t lose!

Brett Krkosska provides how-to advice on family and home-based work issues. Get start-up guidance, business ideas and inspiration at Become a subscriber for a fresh and original perspective on today’s business issues:

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