Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thousands More Subscribers

Got a newsletter? GREAT! Now all you need is to build your subscriber base. Here are several top-notch ideas for getting TENS OF THOUSANDS of subscribers:

1. Offer a bonus for subscribing.

Give away a complementary report of eBook. Make sure it is profitable for you–it either needs to link to your site or your affiliate links.

2. “Share” subscribers with another publisher (or three.)

Change your “thank you” page to “Thank You for Subscribing, here are a couple other high-quality newsletters you may also be interested in…” Your publisher friends do the same. Many of the people who sign up for ANY of the ezines will sign up for ALL of them.

3. Join a Co-Op.

Co-ops provide you with subscribers in return for you running a complementary classified ad. We work with a number of co-ops and get hundreds of subscribers through them. While the quality of subscribers may be just a little lower, the price is certainly right.

If you would like a list of co-ops, visit:

or send a blank email to:

4. Use a pop-up and put a sign-up form on each page of your site.

Make it easy for someone to subscribe. The more places you provide for subscribing, the more subscribers you will get.

5. Write syndicated articles tied to a give-away.

Put information online that gives more detailed information about your topic. Require subscribing to receive the report.

Want to find out more about profitable email marketing? I put together a 20 page report you can receive here:

or by sending a blank email to:

(See, doesn’t that work well?)

Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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