Thursday, September 19, 2024

This Puddle Produces

There is so much material for sell on the internet that it can become very confusing. Do I buy this book? Do I join this program and use their traing materials? Finding Success in this maze of material is a lot like fishing in a puddle of water in the middle of the road. Most of the time the hook comes back empty.

The internet is changing continuously. Things that worked three months ago are old news. Some of the methods that were bringing huge amounts of traffic to your website six weeks ago, are worthless.

I read a lot of books on internet marketing. I study a lot of material. I read an enormous number of ezines. All to find the latest things that are happening on the net. I want to find out what is working before it becomes extinct.

A lot of people don’t have the time to do the amount of research that I do. It doesn’t matter if you have the time or not, this site will give you more up to date information then you can accumulate in days, weeks and months of doing your own research.

This time when you pull the hook out of the puddle, it’s not going to be empty.

Terry Dean’s Netbreakthroughs cuts through all of the BS and tells you what is working and what isn’t. He gives you facts from his own experiences. He does the research and you reap the benefits. This puddle produces.

Here is a rundown on what is offered on the Netbreakthrough site.

1. Internet Ad Diary Results

This section contains actual tests on which ezines work for advertising, which pay-per-click search engines bring the best results for your money. These are only a couple of examples. Every week, you will get the results of another test to find out the best way to get the most for your buck.

2. Web Marketing Updates

Twice each month, there are updates on the latest trends for being successful on the net. These are five to ten page reports on everything from the latest tips to getting a high ranking in the search engines, to how to create profittable joint ventures. The information in this section alone is worth the price of admission.

3. Internet Marketing Rolodex

This site contains hundreds of sites on the internet. If you have a need for it in your internet marketing business, you will find it here. Terry tells you which services he uses in his personal business and the reasons why. Great information.

4. Free Online Coaching and Consulting

Terry gets $500 an hour for consultation with clients. You can get it here free with your membership. You have a problem with your business? Looking for ways to increase sales? Just ask, you can get all of your questions answered.

5. Video Training Room

This section has videos that teach you how to do everything from designing a website, installing CGI scripts to how to form joint ventures on the net.

6. Chat Room

Terry makes himself available at least two hours each week in the chat room. This is eight hours a month of free consultation. As I said earlier, Terry now gets $500 an hour for this service. You get it free with membership.

7. Expert Interviews

Each month Terry interviews someone who makes at least $100,000 a year to let you in on how they do it. This is like free consultation with experts, many who charge $1,000 an hour or more for their consulting services.

8. There are books galore to download.

Most also include the resell rights and a lot even have the sales letter to go with it. These make great books to give away as bonuses to a product of your own. They also make great incentives to give away to those who sign up for your ezine or newsletter. They also make great downloads to give away on your website.

There is much, much more on this site as well. I know I probably sound like a walking billboard but this is something that can change the success level of your internet marketing business..

You will know the latest methods that are being used successfully and you will hear about the one’s that are failing. You won’t have to spend your money to try them out. You will have someone doing it for you.

If you don’t have the time or money to find out what methods are working or what methods are just taking your money, give this site a try. I spend a lot of time on the internet and do a lot of research but this is the best money that I spend every month. If you are serious about marketing on the internet, give it a try. You have nothing to lose. If you feel like it is not worth the money, you can get your money refunded with no questions asked.

This is one time that you are going to get a whole lot more than you pay for. Try it out, This Puddle Produces.

Raymond Johnston Jr is the publisher of Money For Hire
Ezine. Find the latest marketing trends, newest traffic
programs and get free marketing courses. Subscribe by
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