Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The WOW! factor – Have you got it?

Every so often you suddenly come across one website that makes you sit up and pay attention. There’s just something about this particular site that really works and draws you in right from the start. You perhaps can’t even put your finger on what makes it work. It just does.

As their web page appears, you start to get text snippets of information about the product or service they are offering. Your interest is heightened. They detail how their product can help you. How it meets your individual needs and circumstances. How it can save you time and money and more. How it can help you solve a particular problem you have or even make the problem disappear completely. Your interest increases more and more with each piece of information you read. You start to think about getting it and all those glorious benefits it promises. How much is it going to cost me? you wonder…

They present you with an amazing offer. You consider the offer for a moment. Its just what you’ve been looking for and you love what you’ve just read about it. You decide to get it and click the BUY NOW! button, after reading the couple of lines of text above the button. Its a statement that guarantees your secure transaction and complete piece of mind. You enter your credit card details and complete the transaction.

Within minutes you receive an email. Its from the company. They confirm what you have purchased and how you paid for it. They ‘Thank you so much for your business. We appreciate it. If you are unhappy with your purchase for any reason, just let us know and we’ll replace it or refund your money, no questions asked’.

Are they gods sent from the planet e-commerce to personally help you? It certainly looks that way doesn’t it? You love the way they look after you and pay attention to you and what you need. You get the impression that everything they do, they do well. The company really prides itself on doing its business very well indeed. It really is a pleasure to do business with them. How many times have you thought that about a company?

Aren’t we all ultimately after this kind of experience? An experience we don’t get to feel as often as we would like. It makes us feel special as a valued customer. Their focus is on helping us and improving our busy lives. They’ve made an honest and genuine attempt to care about their customers and provided they continue to do so, they will keep those very happy and satisfied customers. Every interaction they have with you is a refreshingly positive one.

A key part of their approach is their choice of tone of voice, the way they speak to you in their text. They talk to you as if you are a friend by using a direct and friendly tone you can trust. This is a great way to do business isn’t it? Do it right and your customers will love it and remember you and your URL (www address) for it.

The company gets lots of product sales and the customer gets to solve their particular problem and is completely happy with the outstanding level of service they receive. In fact, many customers will be so delighted by their experience that they will happily recommend the company and their products to their friends and colleagues. They of course will also be keen to buy from the company again in the future, given the right opportunity. So, in addition to happy customers and higher sales, the company will get powerful free word of mouth advertising that spreads like wildfire to many other potential customers.

Having the Wow! factor is a competitive advantage in its own right. It will help your company stand out and can be applied to any business regardless of what they sell or provide. Are you supplying this kind of positive experience to your potential and existing customers? Could your business benefit from this approach?

Have you got the Wow! factor?

Good luck!

Peter Simmons is editor of the DYNAMIQ EZINE. GET MORE SALES FROM YOUR WEBSITE STARTING RIGHT NOW at or email me anytime to find out how i can help you at

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