Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Truth About SEO

Today I’ll be doing a presentation called, “The Truth About Search Engine Optimization” as part of the Visi Data Center 2.0 event.

Basically, the presentation will cover:

  • The current search engine landscape
  • 5 Myths about SEO
  • 5 SEO Tactics To Use Now

I believe there are 400-600 people registered, so it should be a great event. I suspect there may be a few competing (or coopetive) local firms and SEO consultants there, which is good for them because I’m giving out a lot of information in my 30 minutes. However, the presentation is meant for business owners that want to learn more reliable information about what SEO is and what it is not.

Because the majority of the audience will be business owners, I am focusing more on business related “myths” than tactical myths. Although, I do throw a few of those in as a bonus.

Here are the 5 myths I’ll be talking about:

  • SEO is a collection of tricks to fool search engines
  • “People in our market don’t use search engines.”
  • SEO is a single event
  • SEO is a function of IT
  • “Our site doesn’t get a lot of visitors, so SEO wouldn’t work for us.”

And 5 SEO Tactics:

  • Develop Keyword Glossaries and Keyword Glossaries and the Buying Cycle
  • Focus keyword optimization
  • Keep content fresh
  • Link building is forever
  • Measure, Rinse, Repeat

There’s only so much you can talk about in 30 minutes, so it will be interesting what the feedback is. I appreciate Visi for inviting me to speak and am looking forward to it. If you do attend and happen to read this blog, feel free to leave a comment. And if you need top quality hosting, visit

Bookmark Murdok:

Lee Odden is President and Founder of
TopRank Online Marketing, specializing in organic SEO, blog
marketing and online public relations. He’s been cited as a search
marketing expert by publications including U.S. News & World Report and
The Economist and has implemented successful search marketing programs
with top BtoB companies of all sizes. Odden shares his marketing
expertise at Online Marketing Blog offering
daily news, interviews and best practices.

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