Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Transaction of a “Lifetime”

eCommerce has come a long way over the years. You can buy or sell just about anything online.

You can buy DVDs, cars, digital music, real estate, and brides. You can sell televisions, cosmetics, hand-made crafts, and even your skin as ad-space. You can apparently even sell your entire life – in a manner of speaking anyway.

A 44-year-old man by the name of Ian Usher recently put his up on the auction block via eBay (the only way to go to unload your history).

Well, he technically still gets to keep his life. Nobody has paid to murder him. We’re not quite talking Hostel, but the winning bidder has basically purchased his identity. They get his home, his job, and all of his belongings. They even get his friends (it is unclear if these friends have consented to this), all at the low, low price of about $96,000.

Ouch! Forty-four years and his life has not even amounted to a hundred grand. Sounds like the makings for a good candy bar commercial.

With all due respect(?), Usher is not the first person to sell his life on the Internet. According to Reuters, “American John Freyer started All My Life For Sale ( in 2001 and sold everything he owned on eBay, later visiting the people who bought his things.”

The “fortune” of Usher’s life includes a motorcycle and a jetski. After these things and the home, the life’s looking pretty cheap (it doesn’t speak volumes about the quality of the friendships either). Maybe selling it was a good move.

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