Friday, September 20, 2024

The Top Twitter Applications

There are quite a few popular Twitter-based applications around the web. But which ones are the most popular? TechCrunch put together a list of the Top 21 Twitter Applications (According to Compete). They looked at unique monthly visitor data from Compete for the month of January to come up with their list. Here are the first ten:

Twitter Applications
Monthly unique visits (Compete)

1. Twitpic

2. Tweetdeck

3. Digsby

4. Twitterfeed

5. Twitterholic

6. Twhirl

7. Twitturly

8. Twtpoll

9. Retweetist

10. Tweepler

There’s at least one problem with this list. Twellow is not on it (and yes, with regards to full disclosure, we do own Twellow), yet going by compete numbers, Twellow should have been number 7 at 107,866 unique monthly visitors.

Twellow Compete Numbers

If you are unfamiliar with Twellow, think about it as a yellow-pages service for finding people on Twitter.  You can search for things or browse the directory to find people who tweet about the topics you are interested in. You can also use TwellowHood to find people by Geographic location. Stay updated on Twellow Features via the Twellow Blog.


From the graph, you can also see that Twitter has been steadily increasing in popularity since September. People who use it seem to like it pretty well. Mashable called it “the people search that Twitter should’ve built.”

Interestingly enough, the Compete data for Twellow is listed in TechCruch’s own CrunchBase. I’ve contacted TechCrunch asking why Twellow was left off the list, but have not yet received a response.

I don’t want to sound too nagging, but Twellow’s a top 7 Twitter App, and it’s not listed in the top 21, and we know the influence TechCrunch has in the industry. We just want people to be aware of Twellow’s place in the Twitter world.

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