Thursday, September 19, 2024

The State of Technorati

Sifry’s Alerts: The State of Technorati, April 2007: One of my favorite things to read are the “State of the Blogosphere” reports that Dave Sifry puts out. They provide a great overview of the overall popularity of blogging and are an excellent update on how fast this thing called blogging is still growing.


Coffee With Technorati, #2
Today though Dave gives us a different update. Instead of an update on the blogosphere, he gives us an update on Technorati itself. As the leading blog search engine, as the blogosphere has exploded so has Technorati. Despite newcomers like Ice Rocket and established players like Google entering the blog search game, Technorati has still stayed on top.

Dave says that Technorati though is becoming much more about media search these days that simply blog search.

I use Technorati every day. The Technorati link to my own blog sits on one of the coveted bookmark launch buttons on my browser.

I’ve played around with Google blog search but by and large like Technorati better. I find it more complete. But more than just being complete, Technorati continues to develop really cool tools for bloggers as well.

Do you know what my favorite recent Technorati tool is? It’s the Technorati Link Count Widget. If you haven’t tried it yet you should check it out. Some of you may notice that at the end of some of my blog posts there is a link that says # blog reaction. What these are links to a Technorati page specifically for that permalink. I think this is helpful because it helps me find people that are talking about specific things that I write on my blog, but it also helps my readers if they are interested in a particular post and want to read more about what others think about something.

Does Google have anything like this? Not that I’m aware of. They do have a feature in blogger that is supposed to do something like this (I think), but it doesn’t work very well.

By providing valuable add on features like the link counter, Technorati continues to deliver value to bloggers even beyond the basic blog search.

The other thing I’ve been impressed by is the people that work for Technorati. Of all the tech companies that I’ve dealt with Technorati has some of the most community minded people you’ll ever meet. These are some of the smartest people around as well. I’m sure Google has lots of smart people too, but I don’t see Google doing quite the same community outreach that I see Technorati doing.

Scoble has a post out today on Technorati as well. He says that Technorati does a better job searching for “videobloggingweek2007.”

Thanks for the update Dave and keep up the good work.



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