Friday, September 20, 2024

The Sky is Falling!

All is lost! You will never make it! Everyone’s out to get you! Your business is DOOMED!

No, these aren’t the ramblings of an institutionalized paranoid. Instead, they are the headlines on a number of articles I have seen by fellow publishers recently.

Maybe it’s important to look past doomsday rhetoric and see some reality:

1. Internet business is your BEST BET if you want to succeed. The low start-up and overhead costs make it the very best choice for almost every product.

2. Email newsletters and marketing are here to stay. Just like EVERYTHING ELSE in business, email marketing will change and evolve over time. It will continue to be the cheapest and most effective way to get products in front of buyers.

3. Micro-business is also here to stay. The move toward working at home for yourself, by yourself is a trend that will continue to grow. The most likely change is an increase in high value products–meaning those who take the time to identify a targeted market niche and a quality product will become even more successful.

4. There are more buyers with money spending online every single day. In fact, these buyers will be spending more per purchase than they have in the past. If you want to succeed, you will do it best through an online business.

So, if you have been scared by the well-meaning “chicken Littles” out there, take heart. The sky isn’t falling– neither is Internet business.

Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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