Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Secret From The King Of Pay Per Clicks

At Joel Christopher’s recent Master List Builders’ Workshop in San Antonio, Texas, Marlon Sanders told the audience that I was “The King Of Pay Per Clicks.” He explained that there was no investment he could think of that gave a faster or better return on your investment than pay-per-click search engines. After all, I had done campaigns where I earned $7for every $1 invested.

Marlon, was just teaching the crowd that on-line success doesn’t have to be cosmic. Often, the things you need to do are staring you right in the face. The reaction from the crowd, and conversations with people afterward, showed me that many people do need to develop a strategy for using this powerful tool in their marketing mix. So in this article let’s look at how to effectively use pay per click search engines to drive massive amounts of highly targeted traffic to your website.

The real secret to using pay-per-click search engines effectively is driving the *right* traffic to your site. Since you are paying for these visitors, you want visitors who really want whatever it is that you are selling. You don’t want to attract browsers. You want people who will arrive at your site and take the action your site is structured to generate. You also want to do this as inexpensively as practical.

The most important thing that you do in using the pay-per-click search engines is write your listing correctly. This is what determines whether you get back many times your investment, or whether you just end up with disappointments and even trouble-makers.

I teach that you should write a pay-per-click listing as if it were a singles ad. A singles ad tells what the desirable traits are in the person you are looking for. They tell what this ideal person should like to do, and equally as important, what this person should not be like. For example, should the person love kids, or be a non-smoker, or enjoy the outdoors?

Your pay-per-click listing should convey the same information. Your title should grab the attention of who you are looking for. Then the body of the listing should continue describing your ideal prospect, by spelling out benefits, while at the same time, disqualifying prospects you don’t want.

Yes, there are prospect that you don’t want. Remember, you are paying for people to click through to your site. You only want to pay for people that will give you a good return on investment. You only want to pay for people who will allow you to accomplish your ultimate objective. That objective could be to build a list. That objective could be to get someone to get involved in a cause. That objective for many of us is to get people to purchase our products. To only attract people likely to take that action, your listing needs to be worded properly.

If you are selling an item, you don’t generally want to attract freebie seekers. So you should be careful in your use of the “f” word. The only reason to offer them something for nothing is if it builds your list, or if it leads them into a funnel that ultimately converts them into paying customers. To avoid attracting the wrong person if you are selling an item, I personally would list the price, or use language indicating I am selling something – right in my listings. This turns off those not willing or capable of paying for your product. That’s ok – you’re not after those people if you’re paying for traffic.

If your listings miss-lead people or attract people not really interested in what you offer, you are just filling your list with time-wasters. If you are really deceptive, you may even get a person who will go out of his way to get even. You don’t need or want that headache. You want the right prospects to visit your site.

In writing your listing, you need to make sure you spell out some real benefit the visitor will get from visiting your site and using your product. Before you even begin writing your listing spend several hours listing all of the possible benefits of using your product. Look at each product feature and translate that into a benefit. Ask what that feature does for the customer. Write what it does for the customer to improve the customer life, and then incorporate the most powerful of those features into your various pay-per-click listing. You will discover that the people who do click though to your site arrive in a ready to purchase your products frame of mind.

This is just one of many considerations in creating a pay-per-click campaign. It is perhaps the most important factor in avoiding wasting a lot of money. Pay-per-clicks can be very effective in driving highly targeted traffic to your site. They can be so effective, that after you’re refined a listing, you will know before even placing that listing, at any major pay-per-click, what return-on-investment you are virtually assured of getting.

We’ll examine other aspects of using pay-per-clicks later. We will also discuss effective methods of generating traffic extensively at the Internet Marketing How To Workshop. If you’d like to learn not only how to create your own products, but how to get hundreds of thousands of eyeballs looking at your product, you owe it to yourself to check out this workshop. It may prove to be the single best thing you ever did for your future and your business. Visit: today.

Willie Crawford has been teaching Internet marketing for
over 9 years. Take advantage of his uncanny insights and
experiences by subscribing to his free, information packed
newsletter at

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