Friday, September 20, 2024

The Robot Generation – Crawlers Prevail!

In the pursuit of online power, manipulation, and control, a new breed of web crawler’s hiding in the dark alleys of the web are being brought forth.

A new breed of crawler’s are coming to a site near you!

Many higher caliber web development teams are spawning off a breed of crawlers that seem to index your valuable and copywrighted content for their own use and not for the searchers themselves.

I’m talking about millions of pages online that are being generated in order to attract more search engines and visitors to their site.

Have you ever noticed a portion of your content listed on some obscure page that has 50 other companies listed with yours and are evenly stuffed with the same key words???

Everywhere you search, you’re bound to come across one of these pages. Some would say that this is great for their business by being listed within these pages but I truly believe that this style of indexing hurts our industry as a whole.

This is nothing short of spam and keyword stuffing!

I mean, what are we teaching the newcomers to the search marketing industry? That this style of “FFA Pages” is acceptable and in order to attract 1000’s of visitors, you too should stuff a ton of pages with someone else’s content!

For a long time FFA pages (Free For All) were a thing of the past. But, in the midst of battle, a new breed of FFA has sprung up and taken the search marketing industry by storm.

I call this new breed; “TFFA” – Targeted Free For All!

These TFFA pages can be found on some of the most prominent websites world wide. It’s not just the little guys that indulge themselves and hide behind this form of search marketing spam.

Unfortunately, the industry is turning a blind eye!

Hey, if the big guys are doing it, then it’s ok!? NO! On the other hand, until these TFFA pages become more and more exposed as nothing short of spam tactics, we will continue to see our personal and valuable content being ripped right out from underneath our noses.

Martin Lemieux is the owner of Smartads. We help companies like yourself to market your business online and offline.

For more of Martin’s articles, go here:

The Martin Report – eBusiness News!:


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