Friday, September 20, 2024

The Power of Focus

What one thing is often missing for many people who want to be successful? The typical entrepreneurial spirit of having many ideas, projects and things to do are often there in abundance. Perhaps you see many opportunities and possibilities. However, the tendency is to spread yourself too thin and ‘try’ to do everything. This often results in you not achieving what you say you want.

It seems that the more ideas I have, the more ideas this generates. Recently the number of ideas have increased dramatically. They’re there first thing in the morning and even waking me in the middle of the night. Visualizing and journaling is bringing up even more. I feel inspired, excited and have a lot of enthusiasm for many of the ideas. However, I realised that if I wanted to turn these ideas around, get them completed and be more productive, there was only one thing for it. I needed to be even more focused than I’d ever been. A clear intentional focus that moves us towards our dreams quickly and effectively.

Although you may be very busy, when you have too many things on the go at once, they are often scattered and you end up dabbling in things. You then find you’re not producing the results you want. Not only this, but you may feel overwhelmed, frustrated and fed up. The friction of being pulled in many directions, feeling stressed and heavy, eats up your time and energy, leaving you less able to be focused and move forward.

If you are someone who has lots of ideas, projects and things you want to do, acknowledge this fact. Accept that you don’t need to act on them all now and be willing to let some things go for the time being. There will undoubtedly be some fear about this, which is natural. Choose to be with the fear, accept it for what it is and choose instead to be focused.

When you choose to be focused, you’ll experience a sense of achievement and increased success. Focus builds momentum for faster results, leaving you more productive and effective. When you’re ready and willing to be more focused, I suggest you start by examining all the possibilities. Brainstorm it all out on paper. Get it out of your head so you can see it all clearly. When you can see the bigger picture more clearly, start experimenting with being focused. Play with the idea of focusing on only 3 things. Choose the 3 ideas that either feel most important to you, or where your passion lies, or what would bring your dream alive or make your heart sing. Write down your 3 areas of focus, specifically. The more specific you are, the more focused you’ll be.

When you have chosen 3 things, see exactly where they fit into your vision or dream and ascertain whether they are the most effective choice today. With each of your 3 ideas, define your compelling reason for pursuing them and identify what each will give you. Your compelling reason will inspire you to continue and be committed. Check each day on your 3 areas of focus and take actions which are aligned with being focused.

Making the shift to being focused and experimenting with the idea of only pursuing 3 ideas at any one time may be quite a step out of your comfort zone. You may start this experiment only to find yourself slipping back. If you’re ready to be focused, whom do you know who will challenge you to maintain your focus? Being challenged in a healthy way by someone else can add fun to the process, keeping it light-hearted and helping you to maintain your commitment.

What I want for you is to be focussed, enabling you to attract and achieve the success you want.

Wendy Hearn works with business owners, professionals and executives to discover and unlock their own inspiration, to effortlessly take the actions required to have the success they desire. To receive Wendy’s free newsletter, send an email to: Copyright 2003, Wendy Hearn. All rights reserved.

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