Friday, September 20, 2024

The Online Video Picture in Germany

comScore today provided some interesting insight into online video use in Germany. Among their findings was that the country had 28 million online video viewers watching over 3 billion videos in December.

Google sites completely dominated the market share at 51%. 1.7 billion videos were viewed on YouTube alone over the month. Here’s a look at where other web properties ranked:

Online Video in Germany

*Rankings based on video content sites; excludes video server networks. Online video includes both streaming and progressive download video.

**Excludes Internet activity from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs.

On average, German Video Viewers Watched Four Videos per Day in December, at about 119 videos over the month. 19.2 million viewers watched 1.7 billion videos on (88 videos per viewer).

77.1% of the total German Internet audience viewed online video. The total German online video viewing audience watched a combined 233 million hours of video content. The average online video duration was 4.1 minutes.

It is important to note the use of mobile video too. comScore found that based on a three month average ending November 2008, 3.9 million mobile phone subscribers, of which nearly half were under 25 years old, used their phone to watch any kind of TV or video in Germany.

It is not surprising that Google dominates the market share in Germany, but the amount by which they do is pretty astounding. With the addition of downloadable YouTube videos, I can’t see the landscape changing too drastically in the near future.

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