Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Next Wave at Work

A report in the Financial Times on social media in the workplace highlights some terrific examples from companies who talk about the benefits to be gained from deploying blogs, wikis and RSS.

Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein:

[] More than 450 DrKW employees have internal blogs and the bank has built an internal wiki with more than 2,000 pages which is used by a quarter of its workforce. After just six months, the traffic on the wiki exceeds that on the entire DrKW intranet. [] The wiki is also used with video clips to substitute traditional manuals in training new recruits. [] DrKW uses Really Simple Syndication (RSS) technology to inform employees when the contents of wikis or blogs are changed.

(The FT reported in December 2004 on DrKW’s use of blogs for internal communication.)


[] KnowHow’s hosted service aggregates content from blogs, newsfeeds and applications such as Oracle. The content is filtered to match the interests of each user and pushed out as RSS alerts, either to a Google browser bar, a dedicated RSS reader or an instant messaging client.

The FT feature concludes with a good thought for those who worry about employees spending time on blogs, from DrKW’s JP Rangaswami:

[] Is blogging a good use of company time? They are going to have these conversations anyway – in the lift, for example – and if the topic is boring, people lose interest. It is self-policing.

Financial Times | Social networking becomes work

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Neville Hobson is the author of the popular blog which focuses on business communication and technology.

Neville is currentlly the VP of New Marketing at Crayon. Visit Neville Hobson’s blog:

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