Tuesday, November 5, 2024

The Magic “T” of Marketing

During my Q&A with Stuart MacDonald at Mesh I talked about The Magic “T” of Marketing.

This is a new model I have been playing with. It’s an architecture for marketing or PR campaigns that leverages the best of the old media world while bringing in elements of the new.

The Magic “T” of Marketing is predicated on the fact that advertising and PR as we know them today are not going away. We’re still going to pitch media and watch Super Bowl ads. However, these disciplines are changing to be sure and there’s more grey area. So, all marketing professionals must add new skills.

The Magic “T” of Marketing is really simple to understand and use. Basically you leverage the mainstream media world for what it’s best for – big reach. And you use new media to develop a deep level of engagement by conversing with a very narrow slice of your audience. This taps into two big marketing needs – reach and engagement. John Ounpuu had the courtesy to draw it up

Let’s put this into action with a fictional example. Say you have a new pet food you want to market. It’s the first cat food of it’s kind that enables cats to speak English and not just say meow. It’s revolutionary! Here’s how you could utilize the Magic “T”…

First, you want to reach as many people as you can with the message that your new cat food is breakthrough and that it’s absolute magic. So to garner big reach you would naturally…

* Develop a marketing plan

* Create messaging

* Advertise on relevant TV shows

* Create print ads

* Conduct a big PR campaign that gets the message out in all the right venues

* Organize events

In other words, business as usual. So now everyone knows there’s a food that gets cats talking. Now, to build a deeper level of engagement with their owners you might….

* Develop a podcast where customers and their cats share their stories about how they are finally able to understand each other thanks to this whizbang new food

* Monitor RSS feeds for mentions of your product and reach out to selective evangelists. Here you would invite them in to participate in an online consumer feedback panel. You can share ideas and generate discussions about how to improve the product, the marketing and more

* Launch a special contest on YouTube in search of the best Shakespearean oration by a cat that eats your food

Ok, my example is hoky for sure. But you get the idea. Use the mainstream media to build reach and social media to build engagement with a narrow subset of the larger audience.

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Steve Rubel is a PR strategist with nearly 16 years of public relations, marketing, journalism and communications experience. He currently serves as a Senior Vice President with Edelman, the largest independent global PR firm.

He authors the Micro Persuasion weblog, which tracks how blogs and participatory journalism are changing the public relations practice.

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