Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Fattest RSS Feeds

One thing I really like about an offline feed reader is that you don’t need to read feeds all the time. Just store them up like a squirrel stores nuts.

Then go on a feed reading binge. I use NewsGator for Outlook (it brings all my feeds into Outlook so I can read my feed items offline – most of this post was written using Windows Live Writer at 33,000 feet on the United Flight yesterday to Chicago).

I have an admission to make: I haven’t read any feeds since about 8/18. That’s why my blog has sucked lately. I haven’t been discovering the new little things that people tell me they liked most about my blog. Anyone can talk about HP and how messed up its board is, right? But who will read more than 100 feeds for you and find some cool nugget?

Anyway, one thing I noticed when I looked at my feeds for the first time yesterday is that most of my favorite bloggers publish more than my less favorite bloggers. A lot more. Let’s look at the top posters in my RSS reading list:

Boing Boing. 701 posts since I last read my feeds.

Engadget. 1093.

GigaOM. 466.

Lost Remote. 408.

Make Magazine. 395.

MSDN Blogs. 2886. (not really fair, cause there’s a few thousand people on there, these are Microsoft’s employee blogs).

Life Hacker. 552.

TechCrunch. 212

TechDirt. 278.

TechNet Blogs. 1454. (same problem as MSDN blogs, this one is another group of Microsoft bloggers).

I published 273 items in the same time.

Disclaimer, these numbers aren’t quite for the same time period. Some I hadn’t been reading for a longer period of time. But they are representative of the “fattest” feeds.

Whew, that’s a lot of blogs to read through.

A good comparison is my favorite Microsoft technical blogger, Raymond Chen, only posted about 50 things in the same time. And that’s a lot more frequent than many other feeds.

Interesting, on another, but sorta associated, topic: Maryam, my wife has written her first stab at “10 ways to create a killer blog.”

Me? I think I’d just focus on what a blogger is passionate about. That’s where it all starts. Yeah, there are things you can do to get into Google, or TechMeme, or iTunes, but if that’s how you look at life you won’t be interesting anyway.

Hell, what makes for a good blog? How about some hotel bed jumping? I’m lying in a hotel bed right now. I’m tempted. Heheh. Thanks to Tim Bray for that one.

Anyway, I gotta get some sleep. I’m on stage in a few hours.

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Robert Scoble is the founder of the Scobleizer blog. He works as’s Vice President of Media Development.

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