Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Eros Edge: Marketing Strategies That Work

Jeff Weaver, Marketing Director of Eros Technology Corporation, Athens, Ohio, has been responsible for leading his company on an upward spiral of success by way of an effective marketing campaign. As Director of Marketing, Jeff has been in charge of developing various strategies for the company since its inception in 1999.

Because many people have been experiencing economic downtimes, I asked Jeff what he believed was the reason for his company’s steady progression. Without hesitation, he shared with me the methods and strategies for Eros Technology’s achievements, which I believe, will be useful to business owners everywhere.


With the support of 12 angel investors, a security, hardware/networking consultancy and a software consulting firm joined forces to become Eros Technology. Their first major project was a national online service tailored to the local community called The project, supported by local advertisers, enriched communities with a free online billboard service, focusing on business info, classifieds, local entertainment and schools.

According to Jeff, the company realized relatively quick results by landing corporate and government accounts. Small offices at Government Agencies had a need for Eros Technology’s redesigning of computer hardware as well as their online public-service web sites with Intranet and Extranet type applications. Eventually, individual corporations and government agencies were able to maintain their own Public Information sites from one common web site, plus they had the capability of updating these sites from home or office.

Filling the needs of smaller agencies satisfactorily sparked a demand for bigger jobs at bigger offices and before long the company was performing huge tasks for both corporate and government agencies. Attributing their success to plain old word of mouth support, Jeff believes this was probably the best form of advertising they could have gotten.

When Eros Technology created WYNCS, they intended it for’s classified section. The idea of being able to click-and-sync data into mobile devices was then unknown. Envisioning the potential of this exciting tool in its early stages of development, the Eros team saw WYNCS as an ideal solution for local establishments and big business.


Until recently, Eros Technology had not used major advertisements or any sort of media coverage. When Jeff read a press release tutorial in murdok he thought a press release might be a good approach for getting the word out. In Jeff’s own words, “That’s exactly what it did…with amazing response. Stats of site visits skyrocketed overnight. Although the statistics have diminished somewhat after the initial press release, we are still way above beginning efforts. We had a feeling that a press release would get results unlike direct ads, but we had no idea ‘how’ different.


As I learned more about Eros Technologies, I asked Jeff if he could put his finger on the primary methods that he believed are the reasons for his company’s steady growth. He shared a number of tips that follow but prefaced them with the company’s core belief, which is following a basic, simple and practical strategy.

He attributes their steady progress to the following:

1) Eros Technology initially developed a simple marketing plan and divided it into manageable sections. At the top of our list was our first statement, “Wyncs would be utilized by high profile users and well known web site companies.” We included small but simple things in our marketing plan such as submitting our products for product reviews and awards and associating ourselves with web developer sites. We wanted to be the ‘Standard web-to-outlook/palm application.

2) While our overall plan is still being modified, each staff member has devised their own step-by-step plan, budget and even a daily task list that was approved and edited by management. We unfailingly continue to stick to the plan, modifying steps as we go. Weekly progress meetings keep us all on our toes and on track.

3) Networking is probably the most important aspect to developing and marketing a new company. In one particular instance our company built upon a good relationship we had established with an individual in a small government agency. To begin the networking process, our strategy was to ask a current client for recommendations. Without holding back we directly asked, “Who of your friends or associates can benefit from our services”? We additionally asked established clients to introduce us to other business associates and found that when you build on an already reliable, positive relationship, associates are quick to respond. Our clients are genuinely considered as friends and friends want ‘friends’ to succeed.

4) We used our invoices to promote our business. By including helpful tips, new services along with our business card we carefully paid attention to the little details that greatly enhanced our year end results. Our simple strategies led Eros from consulting to a ‘single’ office to serving the technology needs of every office in a particular agency… and then other agencies followed.

5) We believe in good management and consider it a crucial key to success. But good managers must have good people behind them. As a result of a few mistakes we made when interviewing, we now look for things like promptness, cleanliness and even a little nervousness in a potential applicant. It demonstrates that the prospect cares enough to want to make a good first impression.

Next, we explain our company needs and philosophies and dive right into issues such as “How do you see Eros/Wyncs benefiting by your particular talents? How do you intend to manage your time? The answers to these questions are very telling and usually indicate a good deal about the prospective employee.

6) To achieve and realize our goals, we made a list of big name prospects and then by phone and e-mail began networking our way into the companies on our lists. We believed in our products and therefore were determined not to be discouraged. We then commissioned Charlene Rashkow to write a wonderful press release, followed up by distribution through a major distribution company. We additionally sent the release and other materials to be reviewed by related sites as well as submitting our product to various submission sites including Palm Blvd. And then we patiently awaited our reward.


While Eros Technology is planning on becoming a major player in the Mobile Technology market with their WYNCS creation, their plan includes numerous ideas for other products that can be marketed in similar ways. Their ultimate goal is to move away from the common consulting approach and step into a more ‘niche’ field. Believing strongly in slow growth, the company adds additional personnel only when the need arises. Having been blessed with steady recurring revenue that allows them to slowly feed other projects, WYNCS may very well turn out to be the simplest and most efficient use of technology in recent years. While not in the ‘profitable’ stages yet, WYNCS will soon be used to feed other projects.

Eros Technology is encouraged by the latest enthusiasm and interest in their product and eagerly anticipates it being a ‘brand’ that eventually becomes a household name. Perhaps then their growth techniques may change, but for now, they’re happy with the slow but steady growth of their company.

Charlene Rashkow brings 15 years of experience as a Writing Stylist and Author to her creative efforts as a freelance business writer/consultant. She has successfully helped companies and individuals reach their objectives by writing outstanding press releases, bios, articles of interest, business plans, resumes, web site content and all other forms of marketing material. To speak with Charlene you may contact her at or write her at You can also call her directly at (310) 514-4844

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