Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Basics of Ezine Publishing

Ezine publishing is very important to an online business for many reasons. It keeps you in contact with your potential customers. The relationship is formed that is needed for trust and respect. You are able to increase your income by selling advertising. Ezines can also help you build your reputation and your business.

When you begin to publish your own ezine, keep in mind the basic and most important elements of a good ezine.

1. Keep it clean, and not too long. Don’t add too many squiggles and decorations that might make it hard to read. Try to keep it a reasonable length. People are more apt to read a shorter ezine than one that goes on and on.

2. Limit your advertising. We realize publishers must advertise in their ezines, but keep it to a reasonable number of about six or less, depending on the length of your newsletter.

3. Add your personality. Make your ezine warm and inviting. Talk to your readers. Let them get to know as you get to know them. This is very important!

4. Provide quality content. If your ezine is on how to cook, then make sure it provides information on how to cook. Tips, articles, links, resources, products, tools, news, etc. are all things you can give your readers. You can also add a little fun. We all could use a little fun. 😉

5. Be consistent. If you say you are going to send out your ezine every Friday, then make sure you send it out every Friday. Now sometimes things happen beyond our control that might prevent this. But just let your subscribers know and they will understand.

6. Make sure you provide all your administration information – including contact info, subscribe/ unsubscribe info, disclaimer, and privacy policy.

7. Be there for your readers. if your readers email you with questions, comments, concerns, etc. make sure you answer promptly and courteously. This will go a long way in building your reputation as a trusted and reliable business.

8. Make it a priority to have original content. If you are unsure about writing articles, write an editorial with news updates, interesting tips and product reviews, etc. Always have some type of original content.

9. Proofread your ezine. You don’t want your ezine to look as if a child had put it together. (Although these days these kids could probably do a heck of a job) 😉

10. Enjoy your ezine, have fun with it, be yourself and wonderful things will start to happen. At least they did for me. I met tons of great new people, my business flourished, I felt confident and developed a self-pride I had never had before!! This can all happen for you as well with your very own quality ezine!

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