Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Angels of the North Ride Again

Following the success of last month’s one-day conference at the University of Sunderland on RSS, blogs and other new media tools, the event is going on the road with another conference in February.

Delivering The New PR – How Blogs, Podcasts and RSS Can Work For You (PDF) will take place on Wednesday 15 February 2006 at the Lancashire County Cricket Club at Old Trafford near Manchester, England. One of the holy grails of English cricket!

The same team as before will be leading the discussions – Philip Young (the event architect), Chris Rushton, Tom Murphy, Elizabeth Albrycht, Stuart Bruce and me, Neville Hobson. I’ll be focusing on podcasting for business.

Here’s what’s in it for you:

[…] Conference delegates will leave with practical information that provides tangible, deliverable business/organisational benefits including :

  • Awareness of potential opportunities/threats of web logs for public and private sector PR teams.
  • Access to the latest, comprehensive research into how newsrooms want and use PR -sourced information.
  • The conference is open to all communications professionals and will be equally relevant to practitioners in the public, voluntary and private sectors. Although conference themes and materials will include hands-on practical information, sessions are aimed at decision-makers with a strategic overview.

    Participating costs 125 +VAT for CIPR members; 145 +VAT for everyone else. You can sign up online via the event manager, Don’t Panic Projects (what a great name). Limited places so sign up early.

    So if you’re in the north of England and want to find out how you can integrate the new media ecosystem with your PR (or just savour the cricket atmosphere even in February), this will be a great learning experience for you.

    Neville Hobson is the author of the popular blog which focuses on business communication and technology.

    Neville is currentlly the VP of New Marketing at Crayon. Visit Neville Hobson’s blog:

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