Friday, September 20, 2024

Teqlo Launches

Jeff Nolan just blogged what company he left SAP for, Teqlo, which lets enterprise users as developers assemble, publish and invite.

Some of the nitty-gritty:

To expect that users, even power users, will be able to build applications that stitch together web services from multiple vendors is a stretch. Teqlo isn’t attempting to build a new development language like Ruby on Rails that dramatically lowers the barrier, what we are doing is essentially reverse programming. We’re treating development as a data flow problem, not a programming flow problem. If there is a core piece of technology that we have invented, it is the routing methodology and not the semantic definition of components; Teqlo takes web services that are wrapped up as components, we call them Teqlets, and determines the optimal sequencing based on the data inputs/outputs of each component. Yeah, it’s hard and there is a lot more to it than I am revealing here, but the point of this post is not to talk about our technology but rather what it means for users.

Congratulations, Jeff.



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Ross Mayfield is CEO and co-founder of Socialtext, an emerging provider of Enterprise Social Software that dramatically increases group productivity and develops a group memory.

He also writes Ross Mayfield’s Weblog which focuses on markets, technology and musings.

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