Tuesday, September 17, 2024

TenFold Announces SmartSQL Feature

TenFold Corporation today announced SmartSQL, an EnterpriseTenFold feature that automatically generates custom SQL for most popular RDBMS systems.

“So there I was, making an honest living tuning gloriously buggy, manually written SQL, the biggest performance problem in most applications, and TenFold comes along and suggests I might like to help sell their SmartSQL SQL autogenerator, which could put me out of business!” said Dan Tow, founder of SingingSQL.com and author of SQL Tuning (published by O’Reilly & Associates). “I mean, really! The nerve! The gall!”

“In SmartSQL, TenFold has automated and packaged an entire programming discipline so that people who do not program can build powerful database applications,” said Dr. Nancy Harvey, TenFold’s President and CEO. “Our goal has always been to take an unpredictable, inefficient industry — applications software — and revolutionize it the way that Henry Ford revolutionized the automobile industry. SmartSQL is just one example of why only EnterpriseTenFold offers the Speed, Quality, and Power to promise a similar revolution for applications software — today.”

EnterpriseTenFold provides a SmartSQL feature that automatically generates SQL. While writing some SQL is easy, writing efficient SQL to do complex data manipulation is difficult. And some SQL can be so complex that only a few programmers can correctly write it. To ensure efficiency, RDBMS vendors invest years in custom optimizers and SQL extensions that provide significant performance or functionality benefits, if used correctly. SmartSQL generates different SQL for different versions of different vendor RDBMSs so that your TenFold-powered application runs efficiently on every EnterpriseTenFold

“If your application runs on multiple RDBMS products, you need different SQL for each product,” added Dr. Tow. “If you are a SQL expert, you may be able to write SQL that achieves optimal or near-optimal performance on more than one specific RDBMS product. And every time you want your application to run on another RDBMS, you must write an entire new library of SQL statements for your application to perform well on that new product. I really don’t need to worry about job security for a while, because even experts need my services to ensure they get optimal SQL for different RDBMS products. However, SmartSQL dynamically generates great SQL for your application — out of the box — on Oracle, Sybase, DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, and MySQL database products — so that you never write a line of SQL to efficiently read, add, update, or delete your applications data. Yikes, time to think about retraining!”

“SmartSQL is key for people who need an application to manage their business information, but who are not — and do not want to be — relational database or SQL experts,” said Jeffrey L. Walker, TenFold’s Founder and CTO. “With SmartSQL, you never have to author or maintain SQL code to have a high-performing, tunable database application.”

“Big, complex, mission-critical applications store data in hundreds or thousands of database tables,” added Mr. Walker. “Typically, you must write and maintain individual SQL statements that predict how end-users will query or update each table. How many ways do you query or update data for any one table? How many complex queries do you have that use data from 5, 10, or 20 tables? You may end up with thousands of SQL statements that you have to write and maintain for each RDBMS that you use. With EnterpriseTenFold, you can run any database query or update — no matter how many tables you
have — and SmartSQL dynamically generates and runs optimal SQL for you. With the Speed, Quality, and Power of SmartSQL, applications development teams can focus on describing business logic while EnterpriseTenFold does the dirty, complex work of efficiently managing database access.”

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