Thursday, September 19, 2024

Ten Google Myths Banished

Myths can figure prominently in culture, religion, and entertainment, but most corporations would likely prefer to remain uninvolved. After all, accountants’ spreadsheets just aren’t that compatible with non-factual information. Google probably appreciates it, then, that Ionut Alex. Chitu set about dispelling the top 10 “Google Myths.”

Some of these myths are, perhaps, widely known as such, but as Chitu puts it, “Maybe Google should do a better job at explaining things that may seem trivial to computer experts, but difficult understand for other people.” (And for the record, I by no means consider myself a computer expert.)

The first myth Chitu addresses is the perception that “Google Desktop indexes your files and uploads the index to Google servers.” In response, he writes, “No. Google stores the index on your computer. If you enable a feature called ‘search across computers,’ Google will securely send copies of your indexed files to Google servers. The feature is disabled by default.”

Chitu also writes about the idea that “Google favors Wikipedia, Technorati, blogs.” His answer is “Well, not exactly. These sites happen to have many backlinks, and oftentimes quality links. I know many people that link to Wikipedia to show an explanation for a concept or an acronym, link to Technorati to tag their blog posts or link to blogs because they are infectious.”

Lastly, Chitu confirms, not denies, myth number 10: “Google will take over the world.” He admits that “those who control information, control the world,” and concludes the article by saying, “Hopefully Google will be a benevolent dictator . . . ”

The rest of the Google myths (that Chitu dispels) can be found here, at the Google Operating System Blog. If only to confirm that you’re aware of them, they’re worth a look.


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Doug is a staff writer for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest eBusiness news.

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