Sunday, October 6, 2024

Taking Time For You

Whether you’re a small one-man show or an international corporation, customer service should be a primary focus of your business. Everyone is aware that providing excellent service is what keeps your customers coming back again and again. In return, those customers keep paying your salary over and over. It makes sense to keep them happy.

However, hearing people’s problems day in and day out can be tiring. What’s more, solving those problems can get down right exhausting! But what do you do? You know the importance of excellent customer service but you simply need a break.

So take one!

One of the best things you can do for your customers is to give yourself a break from time to time. This may come in the form of a few hours off one afternoon during the week, or an entire week’s vacation.

When stress builds up, it manifests itself in a number of ways. One of those is aggravation, a quick temper and a lack of creativity. When you continually put yourself in the “problem solver” position it inevitably takes a toll. The best release is to take some time for you and do a few activities you enjoy.

Many will say, “But I can’t afford to take a break”! The truth is, you can’t afford NOT to take some time for yourself. The release that comes from doing activities that are stress relieving (such as exercise, gardening, reading or sleeping) can make all the difference in the world. You’ll be able to think more clearly and enjoy your work more fully.

The result will be a more relaxed and level headed you. You will find that your attitude changes for the better, your willingness to please returns and your temper doesn’t flare as quickly.

The best suggestion I’ve heard to date is to schedule time for yourself. Make an appointment to do pleasurable activities. Actually write a date and time on your calendar and then keep that appointment.

Taking time for you is also taking time to improve yourself in order to serve your customers better. It’s a practice I highly recommend.

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