Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Syndicate your Content and Increase your Traffic!


Writing articles and having them published on other websites or in ezines is a popular way of promoting your site. Including a good signature line with each article will spark the readers’ interest, resulting in more visits to your website.

So once you’ve written these articles, how do you get them out into the Internet mainstream? One Word….”Syndication.”

I recently got my hands on a great piece of software called “Master Syndicator”
http://www.MasterSyndicator.com >. This ingenious script makes it easy for sites to carry your content simply by including one line of Javascript code that you give to them.

Master Syndicator was written by William Bontrager of
http://WillMaster.com and is distributed by Angela Smith of http://www.Certificate.net. Their joint venture currently dominates the Net when it comes to syndicating individual content.

The script runs on both NT and Unix servers. Installation is easy with the creation of a few folders on your server and setting a few permissions. From that point on, it’s a simple matter of uploading the content you wish to syndicate. If you need help with installation and would like to hire some great help I highly recommend mailto:davidblack@t…

After installation, you’ll access Master Syndicator through your browser. The first time you access it you’ll be asked for a password. You’ll need this every time you need to gain entry to update or add new categories, so keep it in a safe place. The user interface is pretty self explanatory and will ask you to set up your chosen categories that will hold your content. For example, if you write some articles on marketing and others on web design, you may wish to set up two separate categories; resulting in two different codes to give out to those who will be using the content on their sites. This way everyone can include just the type of content that they’re looking for to appeal to their target market. Donna Schwartz Mills of
http://www.parentpreneurclub.com/syndicate.shtml has a great example of setting up different categories that will appeal to a broad audience.

Once your categories are in place, you’ll click a button that will generate the Javascript code you need to give out to those who wish to display your content. The code looks like this:


Webmasters who wish to use your content simply paste the code wherever they’d like your articles to appear, formatted to match their sites. Try pasting the above example into your website and uploading it your server and you’ll see how it looks.

When you’re ready to update the content, just open up your browser and log in to Master Syndicator, paste in your new HTML article and click on the update button. That’s all there is to it. Every site that carries your code will now display your latest article.

The control panel really makes it easy to update and change your content on a regular basis.

There are many uses for Master Syndicator, such as updating your own website pages or even using it as an additional means of distributing your newsletter. With a little imagination, the possibilities are limitless.

Master Syndicator is an affordable $99.00 uninstalled, $159.00 with complete installation. It even comes with a 100% money back guarantee. If Master Syndicator sounds like what you’ve been looking for I urge you to visit the site at http://www.linkcounter.com/go.php?linkid=152328 and pick up your very own copy of this wonderful software and start getting more publicity for your web site today.

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