Thursday, September 19, 2024

12 Sure-Fire Ways To Improve Your Customer Service Skills

I would like to dedicate this article to my father-in-law Alec! His life was the true role model of dedication and loyalty to his customers.

He started a little open front fruit and vegetable market that expanded into a family friendly super market. It supported 3 generations and continues to survive against all odds with the big boys. He used to jokingly tell us….There are 2 rules in customer service.

Rule 1. The customer is always right!

Rule 2. Refer back to rule 1.

Keep this in mind as you read….. “12 Sure-Fire Ways To Improve Your Customer Service Skills” Want to impress your customer? And sharpen your customer service skills? This article should help you to create customer loyalty and subsequently – repeat sales.

1. Give your customers more than they expect. -Send thank you gifts to lifetime customers. -E-mail them greeting cards on holidays or birthdays. -Award bonuses or discounts to loyal customers.

2. Always be polite to your customers. Use the words: +Please, +Thank You, +Your Welcome eTip: Be polite to your customers even if they are being irate with you.

3. Apologize to your customers if you make a mistake.

Admit your mistakes quickly and make it up to them in a big way.

4. Make it easy for your customers to contact you.

Offer as many contact methods as possible: Allow customers to contact you by e-mail. Hyperlink your e-mail address so they won’t have to type it. Offer toll free numbers for phone and fax contacts. Give your visitors as many options to contact you as possible. This will add credibility to your business. eTip: Provide a “Contact Page” on your web site.

5. Make sure employees follow your customer service policy and values. Give your employees bonuses or incentives to practice excellent customer service. eTip: Tell employees to be flexible with each individual customer, each one has different concerns, needs and wants.

6. Stay in contact with customers on a regular basis. Offer them a free e-zine subscription. Ask customers if they want to be updated by e-mail when you make changes to your web site.

7. Follow-up with the customer. Always follow-up with a “thank you” note! After every sale follow-up with the customer to see if they are satisfied with their purchase. eTip: An excellent follow up – A frequently asked question page that your customer will receive instantly via auto-responder. Your customer can read the FAQ page as they wait for your reply.

8. Donate your time, products, or services to charities. This will show visitors that you and your business care about others. eTip: You can list the charities you have contributed to on your web site.

9. People love to get free stuff. They will visit your web site to download free software. Make sure the software is attractive to your target audience.

10. Provide a contest or sweepstakes at your web site.

It is a fact, people like to win things. If you can fulfill that need for your customer, they will return for more visits.

11. Let them know that you appreciate their business.

This will create loyalty and repeat sales.

12. Always reply ASAP! An excellent customer service skill to remember..

Always be prompt in your email response.

This will allow your customer to have good feelings toward you and let them know that you took the time to actually answer their email.

Brenda J Bauer is the Publisher of “Business Info eTips”
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