Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Success Story: Tom Antion of

What do you do when someone has big dreams as well as big bills, but just lost all income and are laid up with an injury watching Candid Camera?

If you’re Tom Antion you start your own business.

Tom is a charismatic guy. Now a well-known public speaker, his presence is captivating. He seems to be on top of the world-and he is. He owns a number of high-profile and highly profitable sites and enjoys a large income from (what he calls) “mostly sitting on his butt” working at home.

How large? He estimates his income will be about $1,000,000 this year.

Tom has spent very little of his time working for others. In fact, the only real “jobs” he has had were summer jobs as a teenager. Back when the drinking age was 18, he had a successful nightclub in a college town.

Then the drinking age went to 21 and his business “dried up” overnight.

After a racketball injury he was laid up in bed, watching Candid Camera when an idea hit him: What if he hired himself out to play practical jokes for groups and parties? He was able to put his idea to work with “Prankmasters”.

(If you want to laugh yourself silly at some of his pranks, read the entire interview here:

>From that beginning he has been able to launch a very successful company specializing in training through video, ebooks and live seminars.

Here are some of the keys to Tom’s ongoing success:

1. Tom got good advice.

For two years Tom’s site didn’t make a dime. Then he hooked up with a coach and found his profits soaring.

2. Tom Sells High-Profit Items

Rather than try to sell lots and lots of items with a small profit, Tom focuses on selling items that cost him very little to produce while selling them at a high profit.

3. He focuses on Going Where the Money Is

Tom decided early on to focus his business on people with money. He immediately went from $250 to $6,000 per engagement. (See the complete interview for his exact method to identify high-dollar potential prospects and how anyone can imitate his success:

4. Tom constantly Collects Prospects

Tom sees his business as built on future markets. He is constantly adding hundreds of new potential customers to his data base each week.

5. Tom has a Solid Advertising Strategy

While it is a little long for this short article, Tom has put together a four-part advertising strategy that brings in hundreds of thousands of dollars in business with little or no risk. See the entire interview for exact details on how you can implement the same strategy for your own business.

Tom credits most of his success to his “won’t quit” attitude. Be sure to take a look at his complete interview to see how his success can be duplicated by you.

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Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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