Thursday, September 19, 2024

Success Story: Dana Smith – No Website, Just Profits

Creating an online income is often hampered by technical stuff–we can’t build a website–or financial stuff–we can’t afford to advertise.

Dana Smith didn’t need a website, nor did he spend any money on advertising.

Instead, Dana just got on the phone.

Here’s the surprising story of how Dana has created an online income without building a website or spending a dime.

Dana put to work the ideas in a new Passive Income Report we began offering last month. I got to ask him about his work and the results he is getting…

1.When did you first get the idea to pursue a passive income? When did you buy my report?

I’ve been familiar with the idea of residual or passive income for some time, but don’t really remember where or when I first encountered the idea. I bought Kevin’s report on 5/21/03, but didn’t have time to read it until early June (dummy!).

2. How much have you generated in commissions since then?


3. What are some of the steps you have used to accomplish that?

After I read the report, I realized I had at least one super affiliate I had already contacted by email and by phone. I had already brought a couple of books to his attention, including Stephen Pierce’s “Under Oath”, which he bought using my affiliate link and then promoted very successfully. I realized he would be a perfect person to approach and eventually hooked him up with you. The rest, as they say, is history 🙂

4. How difficult was the process?

Very easy. I began calling people who offer affiliate programs about a year ago if they listed their phone number on their site. I had the telephone skills in place and I had already talked to several super affiliates on the phone. So, that part was easy for me. My total investment was a couple of emails and a few bucks for long distance calls. It didn’t take more than 2 hours of my time to make the $120.

5. Have you contacted any other possible “super affiliates?”

Yes, I have contacted two others.

6. What type of response have you had?

One of these persons is what I would call a borderline super affiliate and I had corresponded briefly with him by email in the past. I called and left a message on his machine and then followed up with an email. He turned out to be skeptical and a poor prospect.

I also called another genuine super affiliate. I had previously spoken to this person 5 or 6 times on the phone and he had just updated his product, so it was easy to make the call and touch bases. He agreed to take a call from you, but I don’t know the result of that conversation yet.

7. What other online pursuits are you working on?

I promote a couple of affiliate programs but want to focus on creating my own products. I’m working on two ebooks/special reports that *may* hit the streets in the next month or so, so please stay tuned!

To find out more about Dana’s success–and how you can follow in his footsteps–go to:

Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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