Thursday, September 19, 2024

Succeeding With Your Info-eBook Biz

My success has been through writing and selling (sometimes giving away) ebooks on topics I have practical experience in. In my pay-per-title ebooks, I share my knowlege (tooting my own horn *grin*) of the clerical support field… gained over a 14 year period. The free ebooks I use, more or less, as a “teaser” to introduce possible customers to my style of writing. Some freebie ebooks feature related ClickBank links (for commission), others I include rotating banners ads (charging others to have their banner included in the rotation).

My goal when I initally started was not to get rich…just to earn enough money to pay for my monthly internet and hosting fees. So far (crossing my fingers AND knocking on wood), I have met that goal plus some 🙂


1) Write an ORIGINAL info-ebook on a topic you have practical knowlege or experience in.

2) Use an attractive layout/template that is easy for the newest of newbies to navigate.

3) Offer a free or shareware version, if at all possible.

4) Invest in an attractive ebook cover.

5) Obtain paid hosting…avoid free servers with forced pop-up and pop-under ads.

6) Create an affiliate program (ClickBank is an excellent choice)

7) Be fair to affiliates..offer ONE form of payment processing.

You will need to expend a little money to make a little money. For added revenue, include a banner rotation… and offer your visitors the opportunity to “advertise in ALL freebie ebooks” for the low, low price of…

The info-ebook biz is definitely one that YOU can start with a small investment, operate on a small budget and one that offers the potential to earn hundreds in just months!

Copyright 2003, Kaliannah Shirah. All Rights Reserved. Kali is a freelance writer for several on and offline publications. She specializes in work at home career guidance for women, weight loss and fitness. She also pens Christian romances, short stories and childrens books. Visit her website for free original ebooks, etc!

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