Friday, September 20, 2024

Structured Blogging From The Syndicate

The Structured Blogging Initiative was formally announced at the Syndicate Conference yesterday.

How did blogging become a factor in your online business? Will the structured approach change the way you blog today? Tell us more at WebProWorld.

Many bloggers have probably seen the various thoughts and posts on Structured Blogging around the Internet. Those concepts have been formalized as the Structured Blogging Initiative, which Marc Canter and others discussed at the conference.

Structured Blogging is a new way to organize blog content at the authoring stage so that readers, aggregators and applications can better navigate, sort through and understand that content.

“The idea is we are going to give you some source code to you the development community,” Canter said to Murdok. “We are shipping plug in code for WordPress and Moveable Type.”

Canter built those tools for PubSub, whose co-founder Salim Ismail hired Canter to do so. “We’re expanding the ways we create, share and syndicate content — and we want to make sure that all the emerging standards are inter-operable,” Ismail said in a separate statement on the Initiative.

During the announcement, Doc Searls commented: “If anyone doubts the grassroots exist, take a look at what’s happening here.”

Jason Klemow of announced at the conference as part of the Structured Blogging Initiative a calendar application allowing you to subscribe and publish events using the tools you are used to, such as Outlook.

David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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