Saturday, October 5, 2024

Stress Release Via Personal Care

If you notice a greater deal of stress at home or work, or any other place for that matter, try to learn helpful ways to talk about conflicts and reduce the stress.

Take notice of your everyday actions and activities to see what, if anything you can modify in order to make your life simpler and relieve your feelings of stress.

Simple things like avoiding high traffic areas and times of the day, assigning certain household chores and other responsibilities to other members of your family, carpooling your kids to school and other activities, with their friends parents, etc. can have a very positive affect on relieving chronic stress and making your life easier over-all.

You will notice that some of the situations that cause stress will turn out to be beyond your control; stress is just a side effect of it.

If both your family and friends support you (which they should), it will make it much easier to handle. Try to spend more time around people who make you feel better about yourself.

And just as important, avoid those people who time and again leave you feeling distressed, worn out or drained.

Find some time every day to relax. You’ll be able to recover from the stress of the day.

In addition, there are certain relaxation methods that can help you relieve the effects of stress:

Meditation, tightening and loosening each muscle group in your body one after another;

Closing your eyes and visualizing a soothing scene, and listening to peaceful music;

Sit quietly and breath slowly and uniformly. Close your eyes and inhale and exhale slowly through your nose. Pause for 2 seconds after you exhale and repeat until you feel the stress has lessened;

Here are just some ways exercise helps with stress:

Exercise may help to cause positive changes in the brain by releasing serotonin contributing to feeling relaxed and satisfied and increase alpha-wave activity in the brain producing a calming effect;

Exercise can help to get your mind off negative, stressful thoughts. Most forms of physical activity and exercise in general require good concentration helping respect.

Exercising at a gym, at home or doing activities outside will present an opportunity to work out any negative feelings that cause you stress or simply clear your mind and think about nothing at all;

Working out with someone helps to provide you with the pleasure of companionship and prevents you from feeling lonely.

Exercise helps you feel vigilant and invigorated helping to dramatically reduce your feelings of stress;

Exercise is a stress relief. It can help to ease nagging muscle and emotional tension and helps you to have a deeper and more relaxing sleep.

The connection between stress & nutrition;

One of the many roles nutrition has in helping you combat stress rests primarily on it’s ability to bolster your immune system and replace those nutrients that your body uses in greater amounts during negative situations.

Women who suffer constantly are commonly deficient in magnesium. This deficiency can result in anxiety, fear and in extreme cases hallucinations.

The thymus gland needs an anti stress vitamin called pantothenic acid. Women need other B vitamins for proper functioning of the nervous system.

A woman’s need for vitamin C increases dramatically under stress. You should be taking a minimum of 500 mg of time released vitamin C per day.

If you’re under a tremendous amount of stress you will need much more than this each day.

Zinc will protect your cells from free radical damage.

In order to ensure that your receiving all of the vitamins and minerals that you need each day you must take a high- quality multivitamin supplement; this isn’t an option!

You must also ensure that you are eating a well balanced diet consisting of an ample amount of protein carbohydrates with some fats.

Also, you must ensure that your body is being fed consistently. This means you must eat 4 to 6 small well- balanced meals each day.

Sugar and other starches can create an even bigger drain on your body’s levels of vitamin C and the B vitamins.

You should try to eliminate or restrict your consumption of these substances.

Make a concerted effort to take good care of yourself, get enough sleep and try to make sure that your diet is balanced and consists of a variety of nutritious foods.

The more you can recognize the cause of your stress and make modifications to eliminate or reduce stress, the better you’ll begin to feel.

You really can eliminate your stress problem immediately, and forever!

Phil Beckett is the author of The New Women’s Guide To
Successful Weight Loss & Fitness. He’s helped thousands of
women with their weight loss & fitness goals over the
past 14 years. Visit to
contact Phil

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