Saturday, October 5, 2024

4 Steps to Writing a Powerful E-zine Article

We’ve all heard the buzz that getting e-zine articles published is a highly effective, low cost method of promoting your on-line venture. While it is true that useful, intelligent articles can position you as an expert on your chosen topic and promote your website, it is quickly becoming a crowded marketplace. Just as websites began popping up like weeds a few years ago, e-zine articles are now being produced by the hundreds on a daily basis. It is no longer enough to simply write an article and wait for a publisher to come along and publish it. You need to write articles that publishers will be interested in using. Here are some tips to help create the next great e-zine article:

The “Newshook” – Anytime you write an article about a current issue, your chances of getting published increase dramatically. It’s called using a “newshook” (“hooking” your article into a current news story). E-zine publishers want their readers to recognize them as being on the cutting edge of current events. If Google makes a major change to their search algorithm, or a new trend in e-commerce emerges in your industry, being among the first to write about it will establish your credibility as an expert on the topic. Your article will face less competition from other writers, and will be of great interest to e-zine publishers.

Focus your approach – Each time you write an article, you should have a target audience in mind. If you observe a new trend that will have an impact on small business owners, then focus your article on that target audience when you write it. Articles that appear to be overly generic are often passed over by e-zine publishers in favor of articles that speak directly to their subscriber base.

Offer Realistic Advice – Most e-zine publishers want their readers to get something out of an article. They are investing the time to read your work, and in return you should offer them some information that they can use. Continuing with the above example, your article about an emerging trend in small business should contain some practical advice on how this new trend might affect small businesses and what opportunities and challenges it presents. The useful information will make your article more appealing to publishers.

Add some controversy –Asking a controversial question to start your article (without going overboard) is a good way to draw attention to your work. If you begin an article with the headline “E-Zine Advertising Overpriced”, you would certainly grab the reader’s attention. Just be sure that you have facts and information to back up your stance. There’s nothing wrong with forming a well thought out opinion on an issue based on facts, even if your stance goes against a commonly held belief. It’s NOT acceptable to draw people in with a catchy headline and then present an argument that is full of holes.

Getting published in legitimate, respected e-zines will have a positive impact on your business. The challenge is that the general population is catching on, and articles appearing everywhere. By keeping your content current, focused, realistic and slightly controversial, your articles will stand out from the crowd, and make your work popular amongst e-zine publishers.

Will Dylan is the Author of “Small Business Big Marketing” a powerful e-book for small businesses available through his website . Will also offers article and news release writing services. You can contact Will at

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