Friday, September 20, 2024

Statistical Analysis For Pay Per Click Advertsisng

You have registered your domain name and you now need a web hosting service. So what kind of hosting package do you need and what are the most important features?

No matter which Hosting Company and package that you choose, statistical analysis is one of the features that must be included. There are literally 1000’s of Web hosting companies and packages to choose from but a system to check your statistics should be a major consideration.

The information provided by detailed statistics is fundamental in analyzing your Marketing Strategies.

A visitor counter on your web site is not enough. Statistical data will allow you to view the number of visitors that came to your web site and provide information about where they came from and at what point they left your web site to go somewhere else. If you have this detailed information about your visitors then you can organize your advertising more effectively. Without statistical analysis you will not know what is working with the web site and what needs to change.

As you can see, web statistics are extremely important from a marketing viewpoint.

Here are some useful statistics:

* Unique Visitors

* Top Referrers

* Top Exit Pages

If you want to know precisely the number of people that visit your web site, then check the ‘unique visitors’ figure. This is the exact number of visitors without taking into consideration the repeat users.

Top Referrers are simply the most common sources that referred people to your site. These may include ISP Referrers, URL’s, E-mail Referrers and Newsgroup Referrers. Your traffic could be coming from search engines and/or from link partners etc…this statistic will show you exactly where the traffic originates and which is your most valuable provider.

Your statistics should show the top exit pages. These are the most common pages from which visitors have left your site. To determine why people are not staying on your web site, you will need to know the places of exit. Then you can adjust your web site accordingly to try and bring this figure down.You want to make sure your visitors are getting a chance to review your sales copy, and if they exit from there you may need to adjust your copy

Ultimately it would be nice if your most common exit page was your “Thank You For Your Order” page!

Other important statistics include:

* The Most Requested Pages

* The Least Requested Pages

* The Top Entry Pages (the most common pages where people entered your site)

* Top Single Access Pages (the most common pages which people accessed, then left your site without visiting other pages)

* Top Search Engines (most common search engines are sending your visitors)

* Top Keywords (most common keywords people are entering into search engines to find your site)

So how does all this information help your marketing strategies?

Well, by studying your web stats you will be able to calculate precisely how much each visitor to your web site is worth.

Then you can simply divide the number of unique visitors by the gross sales figure. Now you will have a precise amount that you know you can bid in Pay Per Click search engines without losing money!

Desmond Mantor is the Director of Sales and Marketing for
Have Traffic
a company specializing in producing highly targeted website
traffic for commercial websites. For more details please

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