Thursday, September 19, 2024

Start Page Traffic Generators

If you have a website and are looking for traffic, you should be using one or more of the Start Page Traffic Generators. They can start delivering an amazing amount of traffic to your website. This article will show you three that I feel are worth using.

1. Starblaze – This is probably the one that is best known of all of the Start Page Generators. It is a very nice traffic builder.

You get one hit for every six times you open your browser. You also receive 1 hit for each time your referrals open their browser. There is a lot of information available on this one. It has gained a lot of attention for the amount of traffic that it has generated for people.

The only drawback that I see at this point, is that it is getting more difficult to find people who have not already been exposed to it. You can check it out here.

2. ClickSilo – This Start Page Generator is officially still in pre-launch. I have just started using this one and I have been quite impressed with the number of hits that I have received already. You receive one hit for every two times you open your browser. You also receive one hit for every ten times your referrals open their browsers. I like the fact that you are receiving two hits for each time you open your browser. The downline doesn’t create as many hits as starblaze but the hits you create for yourself, more than makes up for it.

You receive 50 credits for signing up and 100 credits for each person that you sign up. You also receive one hit for every time your downline opens their browser. This goes six levels deep, so you can create quite a downline to build traffic for your website.

One of the things I like about this one, they require the visitor to wait until the website loads before you can press a colored button to get credit for the hit. This ensures that the visitors to your website will have to wait until your site is loaded before they leave.

Another nice thing about this one is that, it is just getting off the ground and it is a lot easier to find people who have not been introduced to it. You can check it out here.

3. TrafficJumbo – This is another Start Page Traffic Generator that is in pre launch They have a unique concept. They actually have catagories that are assigned when you submit your website. Sites that fall in the following catagories are not allowed in the main group or Group One. The following type sites will be assigned to Group Two: sites which have popups and/or simply affiliate links, MLM sites, sites that carry an excessive amount of advertising, or sites written in a foreign language. I like the way they are seperating the websites into groups. This is a very original idea and I would like to give a thumbs up to the originators of this site for this idea.

They also give you one hit for every two times that you open your browser. They are giving everyone who signs up before the launch ( scheduled for September 1 ) 500 free hits. You also receive 50 hits for everyone that you refer prior to the official launch. You also receive 1 hit for every four page views that your referral generates.

When you sign up, they also give you a list of categories to choose what kind of ads you want to receive. This makes your hits more targeted.

This is another one that is just getting started and would be a nice choice to become involved in. They also require a minimum wait for the visitor to get credit for the visit to your site.

Here is a link to check this one out.

There are more of these Start Page Traffic Generators out there as well. If you are not using one of them now, I suggest that you start. They are free and you will be amazed at the amount of traffic that they bring to your web site. All three of these are excellent choices to help start generating traffic to your website.

Raymond Johnston Jr is the publisher of Money For Hire
Ezine. Find the latest marketing trends, newest traffic
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