Friday, September 20, 2024

Start a Business or Go on a Diet?

It occurred to me the other day that starting a business and going on a diet have a lot in common. I know it may sound a little crazy but stick with me a minuet.

When you decide to go on a diet you are making a commitment to make a change in your life for the better. You realize that if you are going to be successful you will need to break the bad habits that have gotten you to where you are now. This will mean that you will need to make sacrifices in your life and change your attitudes towards what you want and what you need to achieve your goal.

If you decide to start your own business all these same things apply. A successful business startup takes a total commitment on the entrepreneur’s part. You must be willing to make many sacrifices not only monetary, but sacrifices in your personal life. There will be many times that you will have to skip doing the things you love to in order to accomplish your goal’s.

People go on diets for many different reasons. Sometimes it is because of health, and many times it is because they are not happy with where they are in life. They want to feel better about themselves and loosing the extra pounds will sure help.

People start businesses for the same reasons. Sometimes due to health or because of a lay off people are forced to find another way to support themselves. In many instances though, people start a business to better their situation in life. Running a successful business can be a very fulfilling experience for anybody. When your business is doing well, you look fabulous.

Starting a diet and starting a business are the most similar in the beginning. It is at this point that both take the most amounts of work and desire, while very little positive results can be seen. It is only by sticking to your commitment and staying focused on your goal that you can become the person you set out to be.

je Dunn publishes the “Internet Business Monthly”, visit them on-line for Powerful and Initiative sales and marketing Tips, Techniques, and Resources for your Home Business.
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