Friday, September 20, 2024

Squidoo Builds People Search SquidWho

Squidoo has launched a new portal called SquidWho “A people-powered Who’s Who on the Web.”Squidoo builds people search SquidWho

Here is the basic info:

SquidWho is the first people-built who’s who. It’s an easy way to find out what’s what (and where) about famous (and not so famous) people around the world. If you’re a fan of someone, build a page about them. Point to their books, their blog, their wikipedia entry and their videos. Share your opinions but most of all, make it easy for people to discover the really good stuff.

Unlike traditional Who’s Who directories, SquidWho is open. Everyone gets a chance to share her opinion without worrying about what some committee of anonymous people have to say. So, if you like Norah Jones, built a page about her. Hate Mick Jagger? Go for it. It’s up to you.

So, what is it really?

SquidWho - Build your own page about somebody

Just another way to repackage content already online including:

  • online poll
  • at a glance (aka Wikipedia article)
  • flickr photos
  • Amazon products
  • YouTube videos
  • ebay items
  • fan clubs

Of course it includes Google ads, lensmaster information and your basic list of services (RSS, email, print,, digg, stumbleupon and stats).

Here’s what Squidoo says:

Squidoo is also about being at your best, so when you do a search for your favorite rock star or cousin, you’ll automatically go to the best lens. Not seeing YOUR lens as the top lens? Add some more modules, dig up some great trivia, and beef up the links, and tell a friend. Find a fan forum on your person and see if folks there want to help. You might just make it to the top and become famous in your own right!

What’s so great?
Nothing much.

Yes, you have the ability to build a personalized page, but for what? Online reputation management is something that we should all consider when building your reputation or building a social presence online, but is this what we have come to?

What do you think?


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