Thursday, September 19, 2024

Sprint Goes Next Generation With Wireless

The mobile services provider now has begun rolling out 3G high-speed wireless Internet access services.

Sprint has begun making its EV-DO high-speed data service available in some airports and major business centers. They plan to have the service available in about 60 metropolitan areas by early 2006.

The rollout will begin in 34 markets, and targets the business community, which it sees as likely to be an early adopter of faster data access options for traveling users. EV-DO will offer speeds of 400-700 kbps, with a peak speed of 2 mbps.

The company has previously committed $3 billion USD to improving its network and providing new services. EV-DO is one of the latter. Sprint says it has more than 19,000 wireless access points in prime locations in place.

Users will be required to purchase a wireless card from Sprint, and sign up for a data plan with the company. Currently, the two wireless cards Sprint lists for purchase cost $249.99.

But those cards, one by Sierra, the other by Novatel, list current discounts and savings that bring their prices to zero. Sprint seems to be employing the fabled Gillette strategy of giving away razors and selling blades.

It appears a two-year service agreement will be required with a data plan purchase, starting at $40 per month for 40 MB with a $90 cap for business customers, or an unlimited option for $80 monthly. Users should verify details of a service agreement with their sales reps, since canceling the service early under such an agreement will incur a termination charge.

David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business. Email him here.

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