Thursday, September 19, 2024

Some Flickr Users Not Crazy About Yahoo Deal

Some in the blog world are not at all happy that their beloved Flickr was acquired by Yahoo.

Here are a few of my favorite anti comments:

All good things come to an end

Today Flickr announce that they have sold out to Yahoo, an organisation I loathe with a vengeance.


Good luck to the team that developed Flickr, they deserve the cash for all the work they put in to create what I believe to be the best web app ever, but despite their reassurances that things won’t change I see bad days ahead.

Why Yahoo?

So long for the all the innocence and the independence.

Of course, flickr’s owners say nothing will change, not to worry, bla bla bla. I PUT MY MOST DETAILED PROFILE ON FLICKR AND IT IS NOW OWNED BY YAHOO?!??!????!??! FUCK!!!! NOTHING WILL CHANGE?????? NOT TO WORRY????????? Mister Stewart Butterfield was there at etech, too. Yep. He swore to all attendees not to be interested in selling flickr and he went as far as saying that he’d punch the face of the next one to ask him on the matter. LIAR!!!!!!!! TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so not renewing my pro account!!!!


>>> buying/selling internet based businesses

Search engine/Internet portal/ISP/whatever Yahoo! has purchased Flickr, confirming rumors of the past few weeks.

The Flickr people are confident this will not completely and utterly destroy Flickr, but that remains to be seen. Either the pic-related posts and related features I’ve been tossing onto the blog occasionally will be even cooler than before, or Flickr will crash and burn and die a horrible death and I’ll have to find another way to get mobile cam pics to you.

Time will tell …


>>> targeted prospects, cpc, cpv, ppc

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