Friday, September 20, 2024

Social Photo Sharing and Stock Photography

Dan Heller’s Photography Business Blog: “In 2000, I wrote an article called, ‘The Five Truisms of the Photography Business’, and Truism #1 is ‘There are more people who have photography as a hobby than as a profession.’

While an obvious statement on its own, it has enormous weight when you consider how the internet has brought down the barriers that have kept consumers out of the photo business in the first place. Now that they’re here, they have fundamentally altered the photo industry, whether intentional or not, and whether other photographers like it or not. “

Dan Heller has an excellent post up that is pretty much spot on about the future of social sharing photography and the stock photography business.

Many people think that the brilliant photography that is being produced and shared today by people on photoblogs and at places like Flickr and Zooomr has no potential in the traditional stock photography market.

They think that at best this work represents potential images for the microstock market. I disagree entirely and agree with Dan that there is a market between traditional stock that you would find at Corbis, Getty and Jupitermedia and the microstock sites.

This is what we are working on building at Zooomr right now.

Dan’s article is well worth a read.

Thanks, Joe!


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About the Author

Thomas Hawk is a San Francisco based photographer and technology writer. He publishes the web site Thomas Hawk’s Digital Connection and is also the Evangelist and CEO of the photo sharing site Zooomr.

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