Friday, September 20, 2024

So – You’re Between Gigs!

I have been onstage off and on for over a quarter of a century.

As an aside, I recently had the incredible pleasure of singing along with a large group of British expats living in Spain who are mounting a “Gilbert & Sullivan” work this coming Spring, It is really wonderful to hear Gilbert & Sullivan pronounced as it was meant to be – veddy veddy British!

I have also been on and off Unemployment Compensation along with my performing arts career! Goes with the territory. While many might call this benefit “Rocking Chair,” I always made good use of my time during these interims. I took lessons and improved my craft. Fortunately new performing opportunities would appear in the nick of time!

My last “at liberty” happened in 1994 when the Anderson company persuaded my employer they didn’t need so many programmers. Yes, I’m more than a “pretty face!” While trying to find another position as a programmer, I spent my time going for advanced scuba diving certifications – Rescue Diver, Dive Master, and finally Open-Water-Scuba-Instructor. I value very much working with diver wannabe’s and certifying them.

Well…enough about me! Many of you might be in a similar situation. Are you collecting Unemployment? Are you lying awake at night with that little anxiety that you are about to join the ranks of the Unemployed? Are you Underemployed? Maybe you have read all the Internet hype about getting rich within a month. Maybe you just want a career change. Don’t give up your day job…but do see how you can enjoy your own successful Internet business.

It will take time to begin earning your living over the Internet. It is very possible! But you must begin now!

Please feel free to contact me…if there is any way we can work together to mutual profit…I would consider it a pleasure to blue sky some ideas with you.

Robert Leggett

P.S. I was recently sitting on a bench while my mate was shopping. No! – I don’t do “shopping!” So – there I was just observing and thinking – something I’ve learned to do when I’ve had a little time to spend. I soon became aware of the abundance of “shoppers!” I began to empathize with all these strangers speaking in another language. It was really beautiful to see how parents and grandparents were bringing the kids along. These family units were full of joy! Without getting “sloppy” I will leap-frog a little and just ask,”Have you hugged your kid(s) today?!” It really means a lot to them…and you’re going to feel wonderful too!

Robert Leggett has over 10 years experience marketing the scuba industry over the Internet. His focus has changed. Robert works with individuals and business owners all over the world. He helps them succeed in business and achieve financial independence. Visit him at – Subscribe to his “Free for Life” newsletter – “CyberSpaceMarketeer” – Receive your Free eBook.

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