Friday, September 20, 2024

So Now You Have A Web Site What Is A Good Name

When planning your name for your domain remember your site is going to be built around this name.

What are you going to sell there? You may think of the greatest name and then search to see if anyone else has it but if it does not relate to your product then it will not serve you to full advantage. Your site is built around a name, as a page title, in your logo, and possibly in the design.

What you name your domain is how people will find you, the way they will refer to your site, and the thing that they will remember when they leave. Branding is everything. The big boys know this. You really don’t have to go to a search engine and look up where to find a book store when you want to buy a book. You think Amazon. Whatever you name your site it is going to be a vital part of your sucess. How to choose a good name then first of all you need to research in the who is? Your name for your domain needs to be short, easy to spell, It should be descriptive of what you want to sell.

There are a lot of extensions out there now but I feel that .com is the extention I want for the main website. Well say you come up with this wonderful name and it isn’t available as .com what extension is best. I would say .net or .biz. If your site is technogical then net is best, if it is mostly information then info is a good choice. Keeping your name to one or two words is probably the best. Keep it simple. It should be memorable and just roll off the tongue of the person passing on how great your site is to a friend.

Judi Singleton is the webmistress of, Goto,
and She publishes six ezines get some targeted advertising
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