Thursday, September 19, 2024

SMS Marketing and Qtags

No one would deny that mobile marketing shows huge potential.  But right now the space is so crowded and chaotic, it’s hard to know where to direct your efforts.  SMS (short message service) marketing is one thing to consider.  Qtags makes it possible to get a text messaging campaign up and running quickly, and without investing in your own short code or back end application.

With a qtags SMS campaign you have two ways to get your message in front of prospects.  The first is on their cell phone.  When setting up a qtags account you pick a keyword, then anyone who texts that keyword to 78247 (qtags) receives a text message from you that has been set up in advance.  An SMS autoresponder.

But qtags users also have an online inbox where you can send more information about your product or service such as links, coupons, and calls to action.  This too is an automated process. You create an online message to everyone who texts to 78247 with your keyword.

The qtags service provides real-time reporting so you can measure the success of your campaign.  Reporting information includes volume of texts, date and time, originating area codes, and click-through percentages.

To test drive the service text ‘tryit’ to 78247.  The qtags page is a great source of information. There is also a qtags blog with case studies and additional resources.  Contact Sarah Darlington, VP of Business Development for more information and pricing. 



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