Friday, September 20, 2024

SlingCatcher Complements Slingbox Nicely

Some people have found Slingboxes to be great – so long as they only had one television.  Folks with multiple screens around the house – or who are interested in upgrading faraway TVs – might want to add a SlingCatcher to complete the package.

The SlingCatcher will allow a user to access any devices that are connected to his (or her) Slingbox from another TV.  So you could theoretically program your DVR to catch some shows, start a vacation, and then watch the episodes every evening at whatever hotel happened to catch your eye.  Another idea involves college students accessing their parents’ TVs.

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Images provided courtesy of a SlingCatcher should be pretty sharp, too, since it supports both 720p and 1080i and comes equipped with an HDMI socket.  Then there are the component, S-Video, and USB options it provides.

Want to hear more about compatibility?  If you decide to connect some sort of hard drive or storage device, the SlingCatcher supports most file formats.  Or if you’ve got a laptop, the SlingProjector utility provides a sort of drag-and-drop interface by which to move things from the computer to the TV.  Think Hulu, YouTube, etc.  DRM’s not a problem.

The SlingCatcher’s widely available now with a suggested retail price of $299 (tip: you can find it for less).

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