Thursday, September 19, 2024

Six Apart Gets New CEO

A Google search for “Barak Berkowitz” still takes you to Six Apart’s management profiles page, but to find the man, you’ve got to scroll down a good deal farther than before.  Berkowitz is now Six Apart’s advisor, not its CEO; that role has been assumed by Chris Alden.

Such transitions are not always peaceful, but a press release was engineered to impart a special sense of calmness.  “Barak leaves Six Apart in incredible shape, and now is the perfect time to pass the baton to Chris,” stated David Hornik, a Six Apart board member.  “I’m thrilled at the success of Six Apart so far and I look forward to working with Chris in building Six Apart’s future.”

Still think there’s a cover-up?  The release goes on to recount Berkowitz’s accomplishments, and there’s an amicable comment from Berkowitz as he went about the task of “announcing his resignation.”

You’ll have to decide for yourself whether you buy the official story – Valleywag’s Megan McCarthy seems to have her doubts, and “Blackjack,” the first person to comment on McCarthy’s story, rejects its entirely.  Either way, this development comes not long after LiveJournal founder Brad Fitzpatrick left Six Apart in a move that was widely regarded as bad for the company.

Six Apart’s new CEO, Alden, has been a co-founder and CEO to both Rojo and Red Herring.

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