Thursday, September 19, 2024

Sites You Didn’t Even Know Existed

I’m in Birmingham Alabama this week. My family and I have invaded my brother-in-law’s house. Before you even think it, yes, they have the world wide web here in Alabama.

I know, I know, it’s hard to believe but it’s true. Actually, Sean [bro in law] is in the technology field and works at a large, corporate, greedy, evil institution and instead of rocking on with his geek roots and programming in java, he spends his days working on piece of crap powerpoint presentations and word docs. How boring is that. To top it all off, his lame boss always asks him if he likes his car and it’s a piece of crap American car. Sean was actually one of my inspirations in the technology field. You see, he’s the big brother I never had. Before I even graduated from college Sean was developing web applications at a major company and I was green with envy. That was all the motivation I needed to transition from college to financial apps to web apps… yes, I do things slowly at times but I always get them done.

Anyway, Sean and I are just cracking up reading different sites and stuff and there’s so much out there I’ve either forgotten about or didn’t know existed. Thanks to Sean, I’m back on my horse gallavanting around the web and I wanted to share a few of the more interesting sites we’re perusing.

Sean says the site is about how poorly Japanese use the English language in marketing stuff. There is a toilet paper named “Shi Ting” and all sorts of t-shirts that make absolutely no sense.

River House Mini
If you need a mini, particularly the old style before BMW bought them out, then this is the place for you. They’ve got more eBay listings than anyone and the cars freakin rock. I don’t really get their whole business model but from what I can tell, they’re selling new or barely used minis at pretty unbelievable prices. Some of the minis look like their race cars while others look like something off of Fantasy Island. Anyway, go get your mini groove on there.

Drive Australia
This is the cushman van, actually it’s a real Suzuki van that seats 6 people quasi-comfortably, that we drove while we were in Curacao on vacation a month ago. I had to show Sean this van cause it’s just so tiny. Seriously, if you’ve ever seen one of those Cushman carts at a golf course then you’ve seen this van. Think of that cart and then slap 6 seats in it and some sheet metal around the bed and you’ve got the van that carried me, Shannon, our two girls and Shannon’s parents all around an island in the Caribbean for a week… ah, what a great vehicle.

Boddington’s Draft Beer In A Can
This is the beer Sean turned me onto tonight. It’s got a little CO2 ball in it that releases when you crack the can open so you actually have draft beer in a can, seriously. The stuff is pretty good too. It’s a darker beer without the bite you’d find in a Sam Adams or Guiness. Goes down smooth and tastes great in a frosted mug, I strongly encourage any beer drinker that likes the taste of a dark beer without the bite that normally accompanies it. Boddington’s is for you. Plus, let’s be honest, it’s also provided a bit of liquid courage that has taken off a bit of my inhibitions in posting random stuff that I find more enjoyable than technology at times. Especially with the stuff my family has been through as of late, something to take the edge off is always appreciated.

Facts About Shaq
My youngest bro-in-law, Matt, says his dad told him that Shaq is a part-time cop for the Miami Dade police and that he’s the guy they call in to meet online sex offenders. Supposedly dad read this in the USA Today but I’d like a lil confirmation on this incredibly unbelievable rumor. We often times laugh at some of the things dad [Rick] says cause you just never know where he got it or if he just dreamed it up, no offense dad, you know we love you just the same. Imagination is the most important part of childhood and we’re glad you haven’t lost your’s.

Here’s some superficial evidence on Shaq’s crime force duties…

MIAMI, FL (AHN) – Shaquille O’Neal has joined a Department of Justice task force that tracks down sexual predators who target children on the Internet.

Shaq was recently sworn in as a U.S. deputy marshal and, on the Saturday afternoon before the Miami-Washington playoff series, O’Neal spent six hours with Miami Beach police investigators helping with cases.

Miami Beach Police Chief Don De Lucca says O’Neal is becoming familiar with the techniques and software the officers use to track down the predators. O’Neal spends countless hours on his home computer, logging into the police network and learning the ropes.

Well, that’s about it for dis evening. I’ll catch ya’ll on the flipside unless I get a wild hair and post again later tonight, we’ll see.

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Jason Dowdell is a technology entrepreneur and operates the Marketing Shift blog.

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