Thursday, September 19, 2024

Simply Hired Links Blogs To Jobs

The release of the Job-a-matic tool will give bloggers and website publishers the option to add job listings to their sites, and to profit from them too.

Bloggers can add paid listings from Simply Hired to their sites, and sell listings to advertisers seeking job candidates from among a given site’s visitorship.

A few prominent bloggers will adopt the service. Both Om Malik at GigaOm and John Battelle at his Searchblog will be participating in Job-a-matic.

Simply Hired also announced a couple of technology partners for Job-a-matic. Those companies will help promote Job-a-matic through their services to interested site publishers.

Six Apart plans to offer Job-a-matic to users of TypePad, the company’s hosted blogging service. TypePad bloggers will be able to drop paid listings from Job-a-matic onto their sites through the TypePad Widget program.

Simply Hired will also work with Feedburner and advertise Job-a-matic to that audience of some 323,000 publishers. Feedburner publishers will be able to promote paid listings within content feeds through the use of FeedFlare.

The new product and its partners represent a veritable who’s who of distinctive names in the modern Internet landscape. That and Job-a-matic could help Simply Hired solidify its place in what has become a very competitive job search field.

“Simply Hired’s Job-a-matic enables Web publishers to connect the targeted audiences they’ve developed with the employers, job boards and recruiters who want to engage with them,” said Gautam Godhwani, CEO of Simply Hired. “These talent seekers are very willing to pay for such access – especially given that they can reach passive candidates.”

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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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