Saturday, January 11, 2025

Simple Writing For Super Sales


Is your sales letter not converting readers into buyers? It just might be your choice of words.

Listen. People don’t stop by your site to be wowed by your stunning prose. They want to be sold. And the fact is your sales letter needs to be compelling, but you also need to write clearly and use words that won’t trip up a sixth grader.

Bottom line, your goal is to communicate. To do so properly, the reader needs to fully understand what you’re telling them. You can achieve this by going through your copy and replacing words like facilitate with help. Do you see what I mean?


Your sales materials should never contain technical terms. Always write your sales letter from the angle that someone reading it has no experience or clue about your product. The end result will be better clarity, and more profits.


Right after you design your headline, jump right into the heart of your offer.

Don’t waste any time or words explaining things that don’t hit at the bottom line. Your goal is to provide a no fluff explanation of how the reader will benefit with your product. If your paragraphs or sentences don’t drive at this, then you need to change them or remove them completely.

Nothing turns a reader off faster than reading a jaw-dropping headline, then reading the first few sentences that don’t compliment what grabbed them in the first place.

A headline is to introduce them to the first paragraph. The first paragraph leads them into the second. This continues throughout your sales letter. If one paragraph doesn’t lead to next by straying form the subject, then you’ve just lost a customer.


Write like you speak. Keep your tone simple and conversational. Envision yourself sitting across from a friend explaining your product to them. I use this technique for everything I write, and believe me it works.

A personal, me to you sales letter is the secret to good copy. Your words are your salesperson, so they need to be human and show that everything you’re saying is directed right at the reader.


People get really overwhelmed looking at a cluttered page of copy that seems to run on forever.

Put them at ease. Let them take in your sales letter in small gulps by breaking it up into easy to chew bites.

Keep your paragraphs short and tightly focused. Throw a few one-sentence paragraphs into the mix to create a clean, orderly, reader friendly page.

The best sales letter can be understood with no thought needed by the reader. They shouldn’t have to research your terminology or whip out a dictionary to understand your offer.

Remember keep it simple. Your bank account and visitors will thank you for it.

FREE: Sales Letter Critique by Grady Smith where he details how
you can instantly increase the response of your sales letter
using deadly effective mind techniques. Limited offer — visit
his website right now for your FREE revealing critique:


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