Wednesday, September 18, 2024

6 Simple Joint Venture Marketing Formulas!

1) Trade A Percentage Of Your Sales For An Ad

You could ask e-zine publishers to run your ad in return for a percentage of each sale. They could just join your affiliate program. The offer is usually more successful if your product is brand new.

2) Trade Any Ad For An E-zine Ad

You could trade any type of ad for an e-zine ad. It could be a banner ad, classified ad, graphical ad, links, etc. You may just have to give them extra ads or incentives because people usually value e-zines more than web site ads.

3) Trade An E-zine Article For An E-zine Article

You could ask an e-zine publisher to trade articles. This would give you both new content to publish and cross-promote each other’s businesses in the resource box (ad).

4) Trade A Discount For An E-zine Ad

You could offer the publisher’s subscribers a discount

on your product in return for running your ad. Tell the e-zine publisher this would help keep his subscribers loyal.

5) Trade Consulting For An E-zine Ad

Are you an expert on a particular subject? Offer e-zine publishers free consulting via e-mail or phone if, in exchange, they run an ad for you. People will consider this of huge value because consulting fees can be very expensive.

6) Trade Signature Files With An E-zine Publisher

Offer to trade signature files with an e-zine publisher. On every e-mail you send out, you’ll include his or her signature file/link underneath yours and vice versa. So when the e-zine publisher sends out the e-zine, your signature file/link (ad) would be included in it.

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