Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Simple is Good and it Gets Results

Simplicity… Seems elusive in our complex world, doesn’t it?

“Make everything as simple as it can be,” said Albert Einstein, “but not simpler.”

That’s a broad statement–and when used as a guide in marketing–one that carries great power. Because you’re much more likely to be understood–and to get the response you want–when your message, your offer, your call to action are all simple.

But perhaps even more importantly, you’re more likely to get your message read. In the deluge of information and messages we encounter every day-we-don’t-stay-in-bed, it’s hard to single out which messages are important to us–which might bring some welcome addition or improvement to our hectic lives. We need help; we need filters. We need simple.

A participant in my recent workshop Writing for the Web asked, but don’t we run the risk of insulting the more experienced readers by simplifying our message? A valid question.

Einstein’s got the answer: “…but not simpler.” No one among us objects to saving a little time and effort while getting the information we need. We don’t want to work any harder than we have to–but that doesn’t mean you leave out important facts. But here’s the key: what is truly important to your reader? Face it. In most cases if you have something important to tell me-and so does this guy over here–but you start giving me the history of the company and the number of installations, and the blah, blah, blah, and the other guy tells me, Hey, you don’t have to buy any additional pieces–you get it all for one low price!”–who the heck am I going to listen to first? Who would you listen to first?

Yes, sometimes engineers, scientists, doctors and lawyers believe that anything worth reading must be complex and wordy and full of jargon. But that’s of course because they were subjected to severe brainwashing during their education and tend-as victims often do-to feel they must imitate their abuser’s style…(this sad situation is nobody’s “fault”-their professors got the same treatment when they were in school, and their professors before them). But techies are people, too, just like you and your customer. They don’t want to work any harder than they have to to get information they want. Delve deep into all that gobbledygook and find out what they really care about, then convert it to a simple explanation of why they would want to use this product. Trust me–they’ll pay attention.

If you’re like most people, you’ll listen to the person who makes sense to you first–the one who lets you know right away “What’s In It For YOU.” So, do your customers and prospects a favor–give them marketing messages that help them filter out the unwanted. Make sure they get simple, clear, reader-oriented messages. Then you’ll be sure to get first dibs on their attention.

Barbara Payne, managing principal of a, is a marketing consultant and author who helps executives, professionals and companies find their true voice and use it to make their every communication reach the heart of the audience. The book she co-authored with business gurus Brian Tracy and Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup) and thats been endorsed by Ken Blanchard and Dr. Stephen Covey, will be available September 1. Contact her at

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